Category Archives: Uncategorized

All Around Us (March 18, 2012) Revised

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Wikipedia Assignment

I chose to do my assignment on the poet Cesar “Atahualpa” Rodriguez. I chose this poet mainly because  saw researching him as a challenge- mainly the fact that every source I found was written in Spanish.

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Revision or Addition to Post on February 16th on Symbolism

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The Dancer and the dance (edited)

This chapter talks about the rhythms. According to the, rhythm is defined as “the movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence”. It occurs in all forms of language, no matter in music or poems. Rhythm in music is … Continue reading

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wiki experience

1. I felt nervous when I was editing the material to the wiki page. I am afraid the material I added was not accurate enough for others to read it as references. 2. I checked the page couple times, but … Continue reading

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silken tent revised

i made a few changes to this post and accidentally updated… i cant have the original shown now. should i start over with a different post? Robert Frost’s piece, “The Silken Tent,” is one that speaks to me very well. … Continue reading

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Wikepedia (Edit)

The Wikipedia assignment was very different and challenging. Writing and posting information on the web for millions to see was very troubling. I did not find a lot of information about my stub and writing a factual article with little … Continue reading

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Frost’s the Silken tent ( Old assignment)

This is an old assignment that I didn’t have to change to complete so I have posting about it now. My views on Robert Frost’s ” The Silken Tent” She is as in a field a silken tent At midday … Continue reading

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My thoughts on poetry.

Before this class, I always thought of poetry as a way of expressing yourself through words. just as musicians express there feeling through an instrument or an artist paints a picture. I think of poetry as something artistic, which means … Continue reading

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Revision of AntiPoetry

Time and time again, I’ve heard comments like ‘such an image is so lovely, it’s poetry’. Every time such a phrase has made its way to my everyday life I wondered, does that mean poetry is solely pleasant? During some reading, … Continue reading

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