From what I seen so far on the material some students posted on the open lab, Anti-poetry seems to be popular. I found it difficult to find a person or a subject to write something of in wikipedia. I had first tried to do research on the poet Rod Taylor, but I could not find the poet that wrote “Dakota: October 1821, Hunkpapa Warrior”. The search for Rod Taylor resulted in finding the actor, producer, a writer which could be right, but the poetic work was made in 1972. This particular poem was not cited or even mentioned. I had different results for the name Rod Taylor, the poem had dramatic irony and it held my interest because of its “political” message that it held.
Now I am moving on to the most unlikely of poets, someone who many would not recognize or think of being a poet. The man’s name goes by Bruce Lee. Believe it or not, I found it interesting that he wrote poetry, some or most of his work have been published. One of them is titled “Boating on Lake Washington“. There is no information on this topic in wikipedia for Bruce Lee, and the site is secure. I am currently still working on the draft that would be in wikipedia, It will be posted soon on the open lab.