Hello all,

Just a reminder: please be sure to read the readings that we had been asked to prepare for last week. Please ALSO see the links and read the various sections from WEEK 5–these all will help us with formatting and with how to approach our rough draft.

Please come in with a rough outline of your unit assignment–this means that we want to write out what we plan to write about–we want to make sure that we have a plan of what we want to focus on including the kinds of examples that we want to use. Please make sure that you choose at least two examples of narrative features (from the powerpoint) that you are using/plan to use as well as HOW you plan to use them in your narrative.

Please ALSO come in with two questions that you have about the assignment–these can be anything that you want help with, suggestions on what to include, etc.

Please email me with any questions.


Dr. Gold