Response to 3 articles

Why Cokeā€™s David Butler Is The Real Thing.

This article is interesting because it gives you an idea of how companies compete and the struggle the company that isnā€™t doing so well goes through. In advertising you not only have to worry about your company and your brand and what itā€™s producing but you need to keep an eye out on what your competition is doing as well. Pepsi came out with a new logo and new packaging and it brought sales down in the Coke company. This article really explains the importance of being one step ahead.

Why Charging Just a Little Can Be Smarter Than Charging Nothing at All.

This articles talks about products and how a lot of them are being given away free. I think that is of the norm, programs, products and systems are great to give away free, especially for college students. Nowadays things are very expensive and students not only have to pay for school and transportation but they have to pay for expensive products and programs. I also agree with the fact that when things are free I feel as though the company doesnā€™t feel that much pressure to own up to problems that the product might have. They feel like ā€œyou get what you paid forā€ if you didnā€™t pay anything the program might not be that great.

For Adobe, the Future Is in the Past

After reading this article I am a little nervous of what the future holds for adobe. This article talks about the new ways photoshop will be able to be used on tablets and screens. I personally do not like drawing or creating things on a tablet except for maybe editing photos but i think going passed that and having you do everything you do in photoshop on a computer be available on a tablet would be personally hard to get used too and control. Although I feel this way, I think a lot of people will be very happy with these new changes. Everyone nowadays use tablets on the train.bus,at work, school even at home so allowing people to fully use photoshop on their tablet too will be convenient.