Type Talk: History of Type

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What was one fact you found most Interesting and why


During Class


  1. Halle

    What I learned from the video is that the first publication was created by students folding their papyrus paper and holding it in between hard items instead of rolling them up in scrolls. Gutenburg created the printing press and helped with the fast production and distribution of books. The Verdana font was created to accommodate people that looked at computer screens.

  2. Julian

    Something that interested me while watching the video is that typography was force to evolve over time. There was alway’s a need for change or a supply and demand was always presented. Instead of writing with clay we could easily read and write with the use of our smartphone’s or the technology around us.

  3. Damare Jerome

    What I found interesting was that people used to write on wax. Even though it probably wasn’t very efficient, I think the art of writing on the wax itself is beautiful. Similar to how carving letters into stone was an art form. I think today, since we have so many ways to write, wax writing would be an interesting medium for text simply because it does not last.

  4. Prianne._.

    The video made me realize that the advancements in technology really contributed to the developments in typography. Because of this we got to see a lot more expression and creativity when it came to writing. The way emotions and feelings were expressed became a lot clearer.

  5. Dalek Scientist

    I liked how it eplained how books were made by folding parchment and sandwichig it between two pieces, so it can be flipped through instead of scrolled through. i also enjoyed the homage to 2001 A Space Odyssey, one of my top 5 favorite films.

  6. Justin Rodriguez

    A fact from the video that I found most interesting was the one of how they decreased the size and shape of letters because paper for writing was expensive and they made the best of it to fit as many letters as they can on each letter/page.

  7. Gabriel Celik

    One interesting fact I never knew before watching this video is the typeface Verdana was made specifically in mind for the digital screen. The narrator made a point that as we progress in the digital era, we are stuck and almost lost in the screen of our devices we get our information from. To help improve readability on the small devices, Verdana was made.

  8. jack

    What i found interesting was how uppercase and lowercase was invented. When the first use of typography was created it was originally viewed as big and bold more of a uppercase. However they soon realized that it would take too much space since the letters were just too big. So in order to fix this problem they ended up making the letter smaller into lowercase making what uppercase and lowercase is today.

  9. John

    I found the fact that papyrus was sold to Phoenicians to replace clay tablets was interesting. I never considered that ancient societies would be involved in the sale of intellectual properties. When you think about an idea or invention being sold to another group of people it feels like a very modern concept.

  10. Osato Osarenkhoe

    Some facts that i found intresting is, that in the 1990 the world wide web was created and that web was slowly during the years started to get more advanced and diffrent fonts and types where created. the exclamation mark was invented during the 14 century by an italian poet, and the first book was created back in 2nd and 5th bc, instead of using scrolls, paper had imprinted letters in then and ink was used and the paper was folded to create visual and visible letters.

  11. Amir D. Akram

    I found it especially interesting that typography’s development was a new necessity for a world where mass producing books was demanded. There was a clear divide between typography and calligraphy, where type was developed for the sake of printing press technology and calligraphy was utilized as a means for writing ideas by hand. The notion that type’s evolution was expedited by the creation of new technologies forced me realize that typography will always be relevant in needed in a world that’s constantly and rapidly changing.

  12. Sunny Naseem

    One fact I found interesting about the history of type was how technology drastically changed the reading experience for viewers. From clay tablets to carvings leading up to ink , Readings are readily available within seconds without the hassle of printing, packaging and selling.

  13. Angela hazlewood

    I found the innovation to be most interesting. It was fascinating to see how they went from writing on wax, to creating the first book, to the creation of the writing press.They decreased or increased the size, shape, and how many letters would be on each page as time progressed. It is the foundation of our modern communication and writing.

  14. Sam

    I like the fact that the mothers from the monastery had to sit down and learn to copy words and rules that later on helps people in universities. I found that very interesting.

  15. Jada Bellille

    I found the way they choose to view and demonstrate the growth of typography as scenematic and moving. when they used the phrase Gothic manscript it grabbed my attention and i want to learn more about it.

    -jada bellille

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