Congrats to everyone who presented their concepts for their project(s) in class. Great work. As we discussed, here are the needs for the last 2 classes.

w13 – In-class presentation of Final Project 01.

w15 – Upload Senior Project proposals and ADD your Pjt 01 revisions to your final process books!

Create a section at the END of your process books, add a title card called revisions, and add slides afterward to show visual updates.

before and after of an app design
before and after of an logo design

The Senior Project Proposal (Prjt 02) is due on Dec 20th at 2:30 pm. Use the creative brief example below.

Senior Project Proposal: (should be 2-3 pages)

  • Topic Overview (Problem Background)
  • Category/ Industry Overview
  • Audience /Persona
  • Strategy
  • Messaging
  • Deliverables (what are you planning to create based on your skills and creative career path)
  • Timeline
  • Resource, References, data
  • Inspiration

Project #02 Submission

Use the link to submit your Senior Project proposal.