Balancing Assignments #8

Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

Different amount of assignments in an internship is one of those things that is a struggle currently. As a non profit organization that I am a part of, there are a lot of projects that are ongoing. At first I began a project that was left off by other interns that were in before me. Although they are the work that I am adding on to the previous interns. There are just way more than I expected it to be. Ongoing projects from working with the government, other agencies and clients is what made the internship very lively for me. There were times where I felt overwhelmed with tasks, as my supervisor wanted to branch out different tasks for interns to get their hands on new experiences they might be interested in. 

Most of the challenge when it comes to working on different tasks is that there are times where I got confused on the prompt. As I was working on one of the assignments from last week, I defaulted and jumped conclusion and set up the document to the default 8 and a half by 11 for a flyer, when I was actually supposed to be working on a 1080 x 1350 pixels for a social media post. When I am on Zoom, there are times other interns and the supervisor would ask me how I am doing. Along the lines they would be confused, or I would be confused on explaining what I am producing. As it is confusing on which task I was working on for them to keep track of. There were instances where I had to stop what I was doing for the day and produce a quick invitation for one of the interviews that was going to happen during the day.

What it really comes down to is the priorities that the assignments hold. Most of the assignments that are assigned to me, aren’t actually due soon. But occasionally there are moments where they request something that needs to be done within a day or two days. The experience gives me a better understanding of valuing the balance of the workflow that is offered in one work environment.

Role Model #7

Photo by chaitanya pillala on Unsplash

Being able to find someone that takes interest in your work during my internship is something that I will always remember. As this is my first internship, the way the supervisor and other interns appreciate and take time to explain about their opinion I have submitted is heartwarming. From not being confident with my work, I began to slowly get more and more comfortable with the work I created.

But with many kind people from all different kinds of personalities, the one that stood out to me is the manager that works with me and a few other interns. He would be the role model for me as he is a great mentor. Being able to task assignments that seem difficult, to make it smaller and more manageable steps. It makes a difference when you have someone to mentor you. On top of this, he also backs us up when we have to present to the supervisor. If we weren’t clear about the presentation, he would step in for us and make it easier to digest for the supervisor. On top of that he explains to us how we should be approaching that kind of skill. Not only is he a good mentor, he also makes the work environment more fun. Being able to tell jokes, sharing experiences he has throughout the day, upcoming interesting things. I find that having those balances makes him a great manager. I would like to be able to communicate as well as he does with other people. Slowly taking the steps to become a better me for others to view the workplace more heartwarming.

Self Evaluating #6

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

When you are doing an internship, there are bound to be times where you are confused about your assignment. One of these for me was copywriting for a grant to get approval of the project we were going to start for the non profit organization. I wasn’t sure on how to start writing a grant and I was stuck on this first paragraph for a good hour. My supervisor was currently away, and I wasn’t able to ask her for advice. The other interns weren’t on at this time, as it was early morning where I logged on to work. Although it felt very difficult to come up with an idea or a foundation to start, I just started looking online for resources to help me guide the way.

I was impressed with the ways people could start a proposal in different ways. But for myself to evaluate, it was a lot more difficult. The first thing is that I never got to meet the people we were writing a grant to, as it was another intern that had that meeting with them. The only details I got was what happened during that meeting, and it was lots of information to remember. However, once I got started, I made a different alteration to thank the person for willing to partner with our non profit organization.

When my supervisor came back, I showed her what I got so far. She was satisfied with the way I approached the writing at the beginning. My supervisor then gave me some more details about the grant, and what to include into the proposal. The self evaluation I gave myself was a lot lower for expectation than what my supervisor had in mind for my work. Overall, this is a good take away for me, as I get to learn more about proposal writing and how to critique myself better in the future.