March 27 In My Year of No Shopping, Ann Patchett provides reasons why not shopping was beneficial. Consider how Patchett would view shopping in a time of the Corona Virus.

17 thoughts on “March 27 In My Year of No Shopping, Ann Patchett provides reasons why not shopping was beneficial. Consider how Patchett would view shopping in a time of the Corona Virus.”

  1. If Patchett was in a time of Corona Virus, I think she will buy many foods and daily usage. I think in a time of Corona Virus is not count as shopping. It’s call a scale to survive. Patchett only said she is not spending money on clothes and shoes but she will spend money on food.

  2. I believe that in this situation of the corona virus, Patchett would still be still going the no year shopping but in this case it would be different because she would have to buy a lot of groceries and cleaning products to keep her safe for not get sick.

    1. If Patchett was in a time of corona virus , she could buy which is mostly needed in this situation like grocery items and cleaning items . she could not waste her money for unnecessary shopping in this situation because she already learned how to move on from excessive spending money. Also she could go to quarentine and if anything felt her mostly need, she could buy it by the online.

  3. Patchett would buy more groceries and cleaning products to stay safe, if she was in the period of Corona Virus. She would buy clothing online or somewhere else that is safe for her .

  4. I think Consider Patchett would not view shopping in a time of the CoronaVirus because it is dangerous for the people to go out to shop in a very crowded place. In addition, it is not necessary to go out shopping, to buy an item that is infrequently used, and many shops are closes that can protect people’s safety. Many people will buy many products at home, and they will not go out until the Corona Virus end. In the text, she only says that she would not spend money on clothes, jewel, and shoes, but she doesn’t say that she will not spend money on food and clean products.

  5. In “My Year of No Shopping”, Ann Patchett describes to readers a lot about the benefits of stopping shopping. In a time of the Corona Virus, I think Patchett will stick to her decision to stop shopping except buying essentials. For example, if you go out and make purchases yourself, the more people you reach, the more likely you are to get the virus, which is a very dangerous decision. If you buy online, you can reduce the possibility of reaching many people, but the package will be inspected by many people, and no one can guarantee that it must be safe. So during the Corona Virus, minimizing the number of going out and shopping and security measures are the best way to protect yourself and your family.

  6. If patchett was in the time of Corona Virus,I think she couldn’t continue her no shopping year.That time she need lots of goods.She need to stock many foods for her, as well as she need also many safety item.So she had to buy many goods.

  7. In my opinion, she can continue her pledge during Corona Virus time. First, her goal is buy less cloth or any items that she has enough or over. So she can buy any necessery for her; for example, rice, hand soap, mask are important during that hard period. Second, once she got enough merchandise for the Corona Virus time, she can stop buying. The first resaon is she can’t buy more than enough during her no shopping year; the second reason is she have to save enough merchandise for other people. Unfortunately if her body is positive of the Corona Virus, she doesn’t have any budge for going to hospital. So take care and stay health is more important for her.

  8. In My Year of No shopping, Ann Patchett provides reason why not shopping was beneficial. Patchett would consider view shopping in a time of the Corona Virus by spending her money on items she wants and needs for example: food and product to clean her house.

  9. In My Year Of No shopping, Ann Patchett in the time of Corona Virus would be totally different because in this case, she would spend her money to buy food or differents objects like Alcohol, clean products to survive for one year or during this difficult time. In this case, buying is essential because is for survival.

  10. Ann patchett would be a lot more motivated for a couple reasons. One ,that the malls will be closed and she can’t shop for anything. Second, she will be more distracted by the groceries and the cleaning products. I think she would have changed her story to not shopping with covid-19. Patchett would have describe her situation with the corona and how did she survive from it.

  11. I think Pattchet would maintain her pledge to not shop for 12 months in the corona virus time . She had a lot of possessions which she could have used in this crisis time and make it a lot easier for her to not shop . In the other hand Pattchet would have used this time in her advantage to help people in need who do not have the chance or the money to buy the goods to pass this hard time .For example , she could have donated her excess items or she could have make a financial donation to the poor population.

  12. If Patchett was in a time of corona virus , she would stop doing her experiment and focus in buying everything she needs. she going to buy mostly needed in this situation like grocery items and cleaning items . She’s not going to think about how much money she spending , the only thing that matter is providing the necessary resources.

  13. I believe that in this situation of the corona virus, Patchett would changed her plan to different way.She would buy a lot of daily supplies and food.She could made her no shopping keep going because she still not brought the item that she wants,she only brought the item that were necessary for stayed at home for health.

  14. I believe that in this situation of the corona virus, Patchett would changed her plan to different way.She would buy a lot of daily supplies and food.She could made her no shopping keep going because she still not brought the item that she wants,she only brought the item that were necessary for stayed at home for health.

  15. I believe that in this situation of the corona virus, Patchett would changed her plan to different way.She would buy a lot of daily supplies and food.She could made her no shopping keep going because she still not brought the item that she wants,she only brought the item that were necessary for stayed at home for health.

  16. If Patchett was in a time of Corona Virus, I think she will buy many foods and daily usage. I think in a time of Corona Virus is not count as shoppingShe could made her no shopping keep going because she still not brought the item that she wants,she only brought the item that were necessary for stayed at home for health

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