Comparing narratives -March 23, 2020

The narratives “An Immigrant’s Silent Struggle” and “My Year of No Shopping” describe distinctly different scenarios, however, they share many characteristics.  Please consider similarities they share and discuss them here.

17 thoughts on “Comparing narratives -March 23, 2020”

  1. In both story, they all shows a conflict or problem and a climax or solution to the story. They show their emotions and describing what they are like.

  2. The similarities in both narratives story are they both share their own experiences about not overspend in shopping or immigrant to another country. They also show some conflict they meet in their life and how they solve this conflict.

  3. I think both of stories are similar from one point which is simple life. In “My year of no shopping “ the narrator discusses how her life got a lot easier without shopping. Also, in “an
    Immigrant silent struggle “ the narrator discussed the simple life in home country and how is it complicated in the United States.

  4. The similarities of “An Immigrant’s Silent Struggle” and “My Year of No Shopping” is they both had a conflict, which they were trying to get over it by doing their own experiences .

  5. Similar: 1. The article “An Immigrant’s Silent Struggle” and “My Year of No Shopping” both are sharing what the author’s idea and prove the theses by themself evidences. 2. Both of them are start the introduction by talked with someone.

    Different: 1. The author of “My Year of No Shopping” have the same idea with her friend, and she try to follow what her friend did. However, the author of “An Immigrant’s Silent Struggle” disagree with the onion seller based on he having different experiences as him. 2. The article “An Immigrant’s Silent Struggle” is a narrtive story; the alticle “My Year of No Shopping” is more like a pledge plant. (maybe “My Year of No Shopping” is a narrative too… not sure)

  6. In “An immigrant’s silent struggle”and “My year of no shopping” both were refers two main charecters and both writers were drowning in conflict. However, “my year of no shopping”writer Ann Patchett had so many conflict and she got answer from her conflict to did many experiments. The idea of giving gift and the idea to choose one country for living was the similar conflict in both of the stories.

  7. The likenesses of “An Immigrant’s Silent Struggle” and “My Year of No Shopping” is the two of them had a contention, which they were attempting to get over it by doing their own changes in their life

  8. I think both of story have similarities .In the “My year of no shopping” autor feeling trouble for giving gift in the time of her no shopping and in the “An immigrant silent struggle”autor have fallen trouble for choosing country.

  9. The similarities in both narratives story are they both share their own experiences about not overspend in shopping or immigrant to another country. They also show some conflict they meet in their life and how they solve this conflict.

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