April 13 Communing with nature

Many of you came from urban environments while others came from rural or more natural places. Please explain how nature influences the way you feel both physically and mentally

12 thoughts on “April 13 Communing with nature”

  1. I think people in an urban environment are too busy and high pressure. On the other hand, people from rural or more natural places are more innocent that urban environments because urban people get in touch more with different kinds of people. Also, I feel rural or more natural places are more healthy because they do farm work and their eating habits better than urban people.

  2. I think rural can influence the way that I feel both physically and mentally because in an urban city, many people have a car and the highway is always many cars. However, in rural, there are no cars, and it doesn’t have the gas from cars that can affect the environment. Also, living in rural is quieter than living in the city, people can feel more comfortable and relax in rural.

  3. People that living in a more natural environment are less convenient because they don’t have technology to use and is a dull life in the nature environment. While in urban environment they have a pollution and busy life in the city, the rest are fine because the have more technical technology and more knowledge.

  4. When I was young I was live in countryside.There is tranquil with out the noise from the car so I always slept very well.I full of energy everyday.When I live in the city,I always heard the noise at night that made me feel tired everyday morning.

  5. I was born and raised in a rural place surrounding by mountains. Personally I am so connected with nature. Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces my anger, fear, and stress and increases my pleasant feelings. Every time I start feeling a little low or feeling rundown from school and work, I just step out of door and go in nature and It helps me cope with my stress and distracts me from all my problems.

  6. I think Nature helps in emotional regulation and improves memory functions. A study on the cognitive benefits of nature found that subjects who took a nature walk did better on a memory test than the subjects who walked down the urban streets.

  7. Natural worlds or environments plays an important role of our physical and mental health. I came from urban and rural mixed environment where there was mechanics of the city and the softness of the village. I felt it when I went to morning walk after the morning prayer. It refreshed my body and mind. It was a great experience for me because it provided me a lot of sights and sounds.It also provides me natural smells like fresh air, birds were singing.

  8. I suppose human beings in the city’s surroundings are too excessive. On the different hand, humans from rural or greater herbal locations are greater harmless that city environments due to the fact city human beings get in contact greater with exclusive sorts of people. Also, I sense rural or extra herbal locations are extra healthful due to the fact they do farm work and their consuming habits higher than city people.

  9. Many of us from urban environment while others came from rural or more natural places.I feel the urban environment is pollute the air because the government build more factories to grow the country. On the other hand, rural environment is more calm, less noisy, and people live in a tranquility way.

  10. I believe the nature environment is better then urban environment because it helps the brain to focus more and have less work to do. However, the urban environment has been in our lives since we grow up in it. So when I go to the nature with the trees and the fresh air I feel the beauty of it and my body just relaxed and have less stress. The city is more about workplace and have all that frustrating life all the time.

  11. I lived in a village with my grandparents when I was a child. I remember that was like a paradise. There were so many trees and crops around the village. That was not so many people used cars in suburb, and the plans helps to decrease the carbon dioxide. So the air in the village was more fresh than citywide. Now, I am living in citywide, I felt uncomfortable when so many people in a train. In the citywide, people distributed less air, it is not helpful for the operation of the brain. So I think live in suburb is healther for my physically and mentally

  12. I think rural can influence the way that I feel both physically and mentally because When I’m walking round the trees and seeing the mountains make me more active to do work with enjoyment. Also it help me to relieve all my stress and refresh my mind with positive thoughts.

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