April 7th blog post – Comparing “Struggles”

The Mexican student, the Ghanaian Immigrant and Ann Patchett face different struggles in their arrival at a final realization. Choose which one you most  relate to and explain why. This is a sophisticated question that requires at least four or five sentences for a response. Please the question to create the response.

12 thoughts on “April 7th blog post – Comparing “Struggles””

  1. I think the Mexican student is the one that most related to me because we both immigrate at teenage. She/he wanted to thanks her/his grandparents that immigrate with her/him, so am I.I have the same structure of what she/he had but the only difference is I don’t felt loneliness. I have family in the United States and the Mexican student doesn’t.

  2. In these three types of challenges, I am most relate to Ann Patchett because I like shopping every day and buy items that I don’t use often. After buying items, I used it a few days later and became uninterested, which caused me to buy more items at home. I have the same struggle with Patachett to buy fewer items.

  3. I think the Mexican student is the one that is most related to me because we are almost the same age when we immigrate to new country. He had went with his family, while I had travel with my brother and uncle and we also have the same issue of being in a totally new country everything was different that you usually had.

  4. I relate more with the Mexican boy because i kind of went through the same process twice. It was really hard for me to settle down and make new friends. Learning a new language was not very easy. Most important watching my family struggle was very frustrating .

  5. In this situation, I would like to relate to me with Ghanian immigrant because I am in the same situation like an new immigrant of USA. I am torn between two culture i have entered and i have left about 1 year ago. Their are so many difference between my home country Bangladeshi culture and USA culture.

  6. In this situation, I would like to relate to me with Ghanian immigrant because I am in the same situation like an new immigrant of USA. I am torn between two culture i have entered and i have left about 1 year ago. Their are so many difference between my home country Bangladeshi culture and USA culture.

  7. In my case will be “The Mexican student” because now as an immigrant I know how It feels to be in a country that is not our native country and pass the difficulties to grow and overcome the differences obstacles that a new country present but in my case, I wasn’t alone, my family had been always with me since the beginning I came to U.S.A.

  8. I think I am more relate to the Ghanaian Immigrant. First all, we are all student, I have pressure on study even those I just an ordinary student. Especially, this Mexican student did very well in school, so I believe he has stress for study too. Second, we are immigrant. I understand is was so hard for a new immigrant to live in a new country. We wasn’t have friends or we wasn’t confrom to speak English and so on. However, to fit in a new life is important for any new immigrant. Immigrant life will bring us pressure.

  9. I think I would choose the Mexican boy for a couple reasons. First we both immigrated to the United States. Second is that we went through similar situations. For instance, the culture witch is a major change in our lives. Also,making friends and how hard it can be to make new friends. Last but not least is the language we had to learn new language that we never learned in our native country.

  10. I think the Mexican student is relate to me. When I came to the United States learning English was difficult even tough I learned the basic English in Haiti. But the basic English was not helpful for me to communicate well. Also it was not easy for me to adapt to my new environment . I need to make new friend , and to deal with to my new society.

  11. I think the Mexican student is relate to me. When I came to the United States learning English was difficult even tough I learned the basic English in Haiti. But the basic English was not helpful for me to communicate well. Also it was not easy for me to adapt to my new environment . I need to make new friend , and to deal with to my new society.

  12. I believe the Mexican student is the one that most related to my experience because we both immigrated at the stage of teenage. We had the same experience, where we were facing new culture, new language and new rules with our parents that we had to get used to by the time passed. I had the same structure of what he had but the only difference is I don’t felt lonely because I had family in the United States and the Mexican student doesn’t.

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