Genetics Lab Schedule

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Note that some labs are multi-week exercises. Make sure to print each lab to bring to class!

Updated 8/4/21

Week 1

Introduction to Genetics

Probability, Mendelian Genetics, chi-square and measurements, controls

Lab 1
Week 2 Cytogenetics and Karyotyping

Chromosomal alterations and human disease

Lab 2
Week 3 Mitosis & Meiosis

Sordaria recombination and genetic crosses

Homework 1: Cytogenetics write-up due

Lab 3
Week 4 Quiz 1 – Introduction, Cytogenetics, Mitosis, Meiosis
Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses

Fruit fly (Drosphila) genetics Lab 1

Population Genetics

Human blood type frequencies Lab 1

Homework 2: Sordaria write-up due

Labs 4-7
Week 5 Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses

Fruit fly (Drosphila) genetics Lab 2

Population Genetics

Human blood type frequencies Lab 2

Week 6 Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses

Fruit fly (Drosphila) genetics Lab 3

Simulating Population Genetic Processes

Genetic drift, mutation, gene flow, natural selection

Homework 3: Blood typing and population genetics write-up due

Week 7

Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses

Fruit fly (Drosphila) genetics Lab 4

Lab Review (Crosses and Population Genetics) 

Introduction to pipetting

Quiz 2 – Inheritance and Population Genetics

Week 8

DNA profiling in forensic science

Pipetting and DNA fingerprinting Lab 1 (restriction digests)

Homework 4: Genetic crosses write-up due

Labs 8-9
Week 9

DNA profiling in forensic science

DNA fingerprinting Lab 2 (gel electrophoresis and analysis)

Week 10 Quiz 3 – DNA Fingerprinting
Molecular Genetics, PCR, and Genotyping

PTC genetics and GMO Lab 1 (DNA extraction and PCR)

Homework 5: DNA fingerprinting write-up due

Labs 10-12
Week 11 Molecular Genetics, PCR, and Genotyping

PTC genetics and GMO Lab 2 (restriction enzyme digestion and gel electrophoresis)

Week 12 Molecular Genetics, PCR, and Genotyping

PTC genetics and GMO Lab 3 (lecture, data analysis, and review questions)

Week 13 DNA Barcoding and Evolutionary Genetics

DNA extraction and PCR from fish samples

Labs 13-14
Week 14

DNA Barcoding and Evolutionary Genetics

Gel electrophoresis, BLAST, multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic inference

Week 15 Quiz 4 – Molecular and Evolutionary Genetics
Full Laboratory Report Due