Response 6

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. hyde is a rather intresting story its a bit different from the types of books we have read so far but in other ways its the same. The enviornment or setting is spooky as it was in the others but this setting was seemingly more open and not as locked up. While at the same time the monster or main character was not as free he was more as if locked in his own body he was a prisoner of himself. It was a fight between the good and the bad within Dr.Jekyll. He was in a constant fight with himself , this was the constant struggle throughout the novel as was keeping the transformations within himself a secret from everyone around him. I believe that this may not have just been a representation of his feeling settling in and controling the actions of this new charcter of Mr.Hyde and taking control but more of an iner battle between the two I think it may have been probably the earliest case of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It was not a fight between emotions and physical changes but the litteral case of two seperate people fighting to be seen in public and all happening in one body. This was more of the constant struggle and feeling throughout the novel rather than it be hiding from the crime Mr.Hyde had commited or hiding this secret transformation which Jekyll was under going. This was more of the issue that Dr.Jekyll believed himself was going on he was seing just the surface of the issue and that how the book adressed it too it really didnt dig into the crimes that were commited not as much as Frankenstein did.

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