A Rose For Emily

At first while reading this short story I was confused about the timeline. I was not too fond of this story because I felt it was hard to follow at certain points but I did enjoy the ending and felt it was a very gothic turn of events. The people of the town seemed to be very intrusive on this women’s life when they had no right to do so. She was a very typical gothic character with wants for isolation from society and peculiar tendencies that from the towns peoples perspective would seem odd. I was left with many questions at the end of the story because I had very hard time following what was going on in the text. The character Emily lost her father and could not deal with his death so she kept him in the house for days and then met another man and the town thought they got married. I assumed Homer Barron, the man she married was the skeleton that they found in the locked door and the smell that they mentioned earlier on was from the rotting flesh. I find with the short stories that it is harder to understand the story line the author crams in a lot of information in other a few pages. The story does not have the appropriate time to develop and the understanding of the timeline gets difficult to decipher. I also prefer the stories in a earlier setting that offers a darker setting. This story is spooky and uncanny but the more current setting does not give it the same gothic element from the other texts.

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