Response 5(Malcolm)

We have started reading Dracula, and so far im likeing what im reading. One of the main characthers John Harker was invited to the counts castle in a somewhat backwards country in which the prevailing idea is not science; like in England where Harker is from, but more so religion is more predomonent as shown when Harker told the locals of a villige of where he is to be going they all started looking like they saw a ghost, and gave him lots of charms, and even a crucifix around his neck. Now most people would pick up on something bad going on, but look at it from Harkers veiw; a person buys large sums of land, and as his first professonal job is to check out this person who has the money to back up these large land plots. Harker is veiwing all of the stange occurences with the villigers trough a foused mind on a task hes sent to do. Though wanting to do his job is one thing, but he should of pay attention to what was going on, as shown when he became trapped in the counts castle he should of heeded the villigers stange behavor when he told them where he was going. As the story progresses Harker is getting tormented by the count as he one is locked in his castle, two his host is a supernatural being, and three Dracula has a pack of wolfs he is not afraid to use. Alast ditch effort to free himself Harker scaled up the castle wall to find the count sleeping, he tries to kill him but that fails. Harker is a man who would never act like this but the coun t has a way of drawing out peoples inner animal.

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