As the story was winding down we see Robert Walton come back into the story as Victor is in his final pursuit of the creature, after he killed Elizabeth on their wedding night, the one person who actually showed Victor any love beyond a family member. The reasoning behind the creatueres action of killing Elizabeth was simply this Victor destroyed its would be wife so in sheer retaliation he killed Elizabeth so an eye for an eye. This spuered Victor into a cross country chase which lead him to Walton once again. Walton is back to doing his job of creating paths that people may use to travel him, and Victor get into a conversation about what happened, and such. The overall thing is that Victor is a loner who rather work than be with his love ones, while Walton would give up his work to be with his loved ones, heck he starts to write to his sister again. The end is that Victor killed hi self for two possible reasons. One he killed himself to atone for his sins of creating the creature, allowing a innocent person to be exucuted for a crime he knew the creature did, but did not do anything to hep her, and lastly allowing the creature to keep going on its rampage. Two to not give the creature the satisfaction of killing him, plus in some messed up way give the creature some type of relief, or more so closure about seeing Victor die in front of him.
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- Daniella Martinez on Response 9 (Malcolm)
I think you made really good parallels between the three characters, but I feel like you didn’t express your opinions much on how you feel about their similarities/ differences. Although you gave a really good explanation of the ending as well as how Victor and the Creature are one in the same and their comparison to Walton, I feel like we should know more about what you think. Was it obvious to you? Was it not? Did you enjoy the book? What do their characters say about Shelley? Etc.