Response 4

Victor and Frankenstein, the creature, are much alike. The creature being alone without family or affection from his creator tried to find nurturance elsewhere but received the same reactions. Seeking revenge and blinded by anger the creature then murdered innocent people, all related to Victor. Little by little Victor became depressed, guilty, and miserable feeling alone just like the creature. In this way he was able to make Victor’s life like his, alone, miserable and seeking revenge till death. It wasn’t until Victor died that the creature felt remorse for the things he has done and wanted to die. He felt his life was hopeless without Victor, his creator and wanted to die as well.

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2 Responses to Response 4

  1. I thought it was interesting to see the creature change so drastically. From a harsh monster that’s leading his creator to find certain death to suddenly sad. Which led him to leave at the end of the novel, with an assumption that he will later kill himself. Maybe it was remorse that he felt towards all his victims, which led to his rash decision of ending his life.

  2. Idalon says:

    The monster wanted a companion to show him love and passion yet at the same time he shouldn’t threaten Victor to creator one, by saying that bad things will happen to his family, Well the monster killed Elizabeth for revenge, since Victor killed the monsters partner. Its sad that there’s no closure between both of them. Victor should have showed love for the monster, sucks how Victor ignored him. Weird how the monster showed remorse when Victor died, if the person who created him didn’t show the monster any type of affection.

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