response 3

The only thing the creature ever wanted was to be accepted. But everyone rejects him and see him as a threat due to his abnormal and hideous appearance. Even his own creator, Victor wants nothing to do with him. Which pushed the creature to want vengeance. He comes to Victor for a female companion.Which Victor destroys due to overthinking things about how its possible for her to not be attracted to the creature or they could end up having “hideous” children. Which resulted into breaking his promise. That led to the creature to really become a monster and cause murder.

In my opinion this novel shows that despite a different or an abnormal appearance of another, no one should judge a book by its cover. Rejecting others cause sadness and loneliness to others. But not only that it can lead to destruction. I also believe that Victor Frankenstein is the true monster in this novel. He does not have compassion, He is a coward and cruel. Due to how he treats his own creation and the fatal death of Justine.

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