Response 2

In someway Frankenstein reminds me of Victor. They share similar characteristics, they’re both lonely and depressed, and monstrous in a way. Frankenstein seems to be in need of a companion and is trying to convince victor to hear his story. I also remember in the earlier chapters when Victor wrote to his sister explaining how he also was searching for someone to care for him. I also believe that Victor is right in thinking he is just as much a monster as Frankenstein because he let Justine take the blame for his youngest brother’s death knowing that she was innocent. He refused to say anything because he was more concerned of what people may think of him so he let her die.

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One Response to Response 2

  1. Mohammad.I says:

    That is a very interesting observation. Frankenstein’s monster seems to have taken some of Victor’s negative qualities and exaggerated them as a part of his character. They both also seem to really care of what others think of them, as you mentioned.

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