I feel that writing in a letter format to someone personally brought on more challenges than I thought. Originally, I choose this format because I thought it would be the most direct and personal way to communicate my ideas on the injustices surrounding the auditioning process that actors have to go through. Because a letter is so direct, like I mentioned it made me really have to think about a person I wanted to direct my thoughts to, which was interesting to do and harder than I thought. One main reason why this was so challenging is because there are so many responsible in attributing to injustices that actors have to face in the auditioning process. But after research, I decided who to address my letter to. The letter we read by Wollstonecraft and her attitude in it influenced my letter very much. I loved how direct she was while still being so well educated and strong headed. I thought her writing style in form of a letter reflected her thoughts and feelings very clearly and I was very inspired by that. In the form of a letter, you are really able to speak to someone and I think addressing someone by their name and making it known that you, indeed know who they are is a very powerful thing to do.