Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research & Picking A Topic

For my op- ed piece I have decided to write about the lack of mental health programs during the pandemic. During my research I learned that crime throughout NYC has simnifically increased during the pandemic and post-pandemic and statistics show that most crime is caused due to mental health. There is no awareness on the social problem that many humans face today of mental health. Many low income neighborhoods don’t even have access to a mental health program near them causing them to be more likely to be incarcerated. For my op-ed I want to focus on the question as why isn’t there many mental programs throughout the city, as a EMT most of the calls I go to are EDP’s, (Emotionally Disturbed Person) and these patients stress to me that its hard for them to get access to help.


  • Why aren’t elected officials funding mental health programs?
  • Why do we continue to see a great increase in crime for those who have mental past medical histories/ diagnostics?
  • What can we do as a city to bring awareness?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I might narrow down your focus just a bit more and argue for the need for mental health services and outreach in low income neighborhoods since you not that many such neighborhoods do not have access to such services.

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