Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Unit 2/Op-Ed

I really wanted to delve deeper into beauty standards and the way that I’ve felt they have changed over the course of my lifetime. Beauty standards vary from era to era, and I think it’s interesting to look back and notice why certain trends or people were important. The trend gives a bigger picture of what society represented at the time. What was in or not in in terms of media or fashion represented the thoughts of a mass of people. Some of these trends produced negative effects and I believe that is important to look at. While examining these different era’s, it led me to realize that while there are still negative beauty standards such as eurocentrism that are still strong today. The big main difference between present day and the past is that there are conversations around these topics like never before. Education brings change and I think thats the only way the world will ever change their minds and attitude.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Alexsandra, Can you please make it so anyone with the link can edit? Also, please complete the reflection so you don’t lose a post grade.

    • AllySeverino

      I just edited my post! hopefully you can see it now?

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