Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Unit 1: Investigating a Discourse Community

1 Comment

  1. Latrell Francois

    Latrell Francois

    Dear Ms.Quilles

    I am writing this letter to you because I would like to talk to you about the issues with funding and recruitment regarding the football team. Speaking on behalf of the football team we feel that it is unfair that you fund and support all the other sports teams in the school except for ours. We have had to hold different fundraisers for ourselves to buy new game jerseys and equipment, meanwhile you buy new shoes for the basketball team and new game jerseys for all the other sports teams in the school. It’s bad enough that Nike decided to sponsor every sports team in the school except for the football team. I understand that all the other sports teams in the school have winning records except for us, but we shouldn’t be punished for that. When we are not funded by our own school it makes us feel like you guys do not support us. We try our hardest to win games just like all the other teams in the school, so we feel like we should be treated just like how the other teams are treated. If the other teams had losing seasons like us would you not fund them?. We aren’t asking for much, just to be funded like the other teams in the school. Another recurring issue is the recruitment for our team. You guys bring in kids from different schools and even different states to come play for the school in whatever sport they play. For example you guys recruited Khalil Brantley and Reyna Scott. Khalil and Reyna are both top ranked basketball players in New york. Most of the players on the football team have never played football before. Only about 4 players (including me) have previously played football before. That is 4 out of 15 players who have experience in the sport. That will not help us win games if we barely have any experienced players. If we continue to lose games that could mess up the college recruitment process for the seniors. College football coaches won’t look towards a high school football team who hasn’t won a single game in 3 years. Football isn’t just a sport for us, it’s our career. Some of the players and I see ourselves having a future still playing football possibly for the NFL. The teams that we play against, half of their whole team is experienced in football. We need to recruit some players from different schools like you do with basketball. If you want a winning football program this is the answer. You have the power to make this happen. Think of it as a cycle. You fund us and help recruit some players, we can start winning more games and become a winning football program. I hope you will take my suggestions into consideration and help us become a winning football program.

    Sincerely, Latrell Francois

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