Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

My topic for this unit is going to be “Government hides Information about ecological damage”. I chose this topic because I have always thought on some level that the government always hides secrets about almost anything. Ecological damage is the effects of all possible environmental degradation. The government seems to have a protection rule where they support minimize threats and support a recovering plan. When it comes to figuring out whose the most responsible for ecological damage between the government or individuals, two-thirds of democrats and independents say the environment is the responsibility of the government. Some questions I have about this topic is when did ecological damage first start?, where in the environment takes the most damage? and what’s the worst thing that can happen to make the most impact?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Oddette – I’m not clear on your topic or what you are saying about it. Come speak with me during class when we are workshopping our Op-Eds.

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