This was quite a challenging writing for me. I had to come up with good sources and good discourse communities that I am in and I can relate to and it took me some time to finish this whole writing because I got sick this past week. I also like the topic problems that I talk about on this project. I am mainly talking about the health of students and how it affects their academic performance and the health of the future society. I feel like I have mentioned the two biggest problems in City Tech that I have always been wanting to see some changes for. I also feel like I have addressed the problems very well to the right audience. I made sure that I did my best to hit all the criteria on this writing task. I also integrated my knowledge from English 1101 class last semester such as incorporating sources by quoting them into my writing and adding works cited at the end. It was hard to find a good and reliable sources but I enjoyed the process.

I look forward to better my writing and research skills on this class in the future!