Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

I learned that global warming first started in the 1830s which is surprising because after almost 200 years later, it is still an ongoing problem around the world. As global warming becomes more serious, wildlife and animals are destined to become extinct if they do not adapt quickly enough. Global warming causes climate change which leads to more extreme weather events such as flooding. Not only it will injure animals, it will also destroy their habitats and foods. This will also have an effect on the ecosystem, because if forests are burned, then deers will have nothing to eat which will cause a decrease in deer population which means that lions will have less food which will also decrease in population.

The side I want to argue on is the why climate change is a serious issue side. If global warming continues, then eventually the whole world will be at risk. There are people that does not care about global warming, but what they do not realize is that it is also affecting them as well. Since this is a problem not only to humans, but animals and the wildlife as well this is a major problem.

Lets say that animals’ habitats are destroyed, what will they do to continue surviving?

If all the ice melts in Antartica, then how will this have an impact on humans?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Jerry, This is a good topic and recently there was a new climate change report from the U.N. that you might look at. But you do need to narrow down the topic since an Op-Ed is so short. I think you might want to discuss one policy or intervention that is supported by some and not by others and argue for or against it. Or you might look at one effect of global warming and argue for a particular solution that is being debated. Also you might find this interesting:

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