Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

The topic I decided to talk about is gentrification because we don’t learn much about this in school we need this to get out there somehow, some of us are getting affected slowly because these new incoming people creating these buildings raise the prices of things. I chose to be on the side where this should not happen, gentrification is a bad thing in hard-working neighborhoods because then they’ll be forced to move out elsewhere because pricing is rising, which is happening to my neighborhood. I never realized how effective this can be with businesses trying to take advantage of this new surge of people who want the money. Even reading an article about homelessness can also be something that happens because of gentrification.

Why is gentrification important?

How does gentrification relate to power?

How are people affected by gentrification?

How can gentrification be talked about to others?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Juan, Gentrification is a good topic but it is too broad. You will need to narrow down to one effect of gentrification. Or if there is a group advocating for a particular solution to gentrification, you could discuss and support that? Or if, you want you can bring awareness to gentrification that is happening in a particular neighborhood and argue against it. Or if you have enough, you can write an Op-Ed that brings awareness to the connection between gentrification and homelessness.

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