Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Brainstorming Discourse Communities and Research

The three discourse communities I wrote down were gaming, yoga and music. Most people game for fun, to play with other people or just to keep themselves entertained with something. Gaming could be a fun activity sometimes but also a bad activity. For gaming some problems can occur due to gaming that can cause sleeping disorders, can cause stress and anxiety. Yoga is a form of exercise that many people use to help their bodies become more fit and flexible. As good as yoga sounds for your body, it also comes with risks. Doing yoga can cause problems when there is a lack of focus, when your postures don’t last long enough for the exercise and someone gets injured due to lack of space or pushing harder than you should’ve. Listening to music makes people wanna get up and dance and it makes them feel good. When it comes to the music industries, sometimes things aren’t so uplifting as it is with making music. When it comes to music, some problems are that attention spans are becoming shorter than before, most of the artists don’t make money and not a lot of people are doing long term record deals anymore.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    For this post you need to pick one discourse community and one issue that is particular to that discourse community that you want outsider to know about.

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