Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

In my speech I will be discussing the discourse community or sneaker heads. I am writing this speech to the head of Nike. I am apart of this community because I have a pretty good collection of sneakers, but because I love sneakers. This community is made up of both males and females, music fans but they all love sneakers. A major problem that has been coming up in the previous years are replicas. these are an issue because to most people they are almost perfect, and could trick anyone who doesn’t know how to tell if they are reps. There is nothing wrong with wearing reps if you don’t have the money for the authentic pair, but nobody wants to pay $400 for a replica shoe that wouldn’t cost more than $150. Also to a sneaker head waiting for a pair of shoes in the mail just to find out they aren’t authentic is heart breaking especially if they were expensive. Also sneaker heads work hard for their money and save up to buy these expensive shoes so finding out that they’re reps really ruins the whole experience. What I think that Nike could do is find the companies that are selling these replica sneakers and try and shut it down legally.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Tyler, It sounds as if you are saying that companies like Nike are not taking the issue of replicas serious enough and you will show them that this is a true problem. But how will you do this? What will you discuss? And in what order will you give that information? Also, what kind of research will you use in your speech?

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