Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Unit 2: Op-Ed/Opinion Essay

reflection~ I truly enjoyed my research into this topic for the simple fact that not everything I thought was correct. I wrote about this topic just because it was the different side of the argument, and not because I agree with it. but know I can’t say I agree with the statement of lower minimum wage but the evidence provided didn’t make it sound half bad. but now know what I know, its much more valuable to get a raise because of good work and get paid more then everyone else then have you and everyone else be paid more.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Anthony, please change the settings on the document so that anyone with the link can edit. Please also write your reflection paragraph into this post–it counts as a post grade.

    • anthony pietromonico

      I’m sorry I thought I fixed it in class on Wednesday but I guess it never posted when I was in the building

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