Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

The topic I choose is recycling, more specifically the industry. The recycling industry is quite unsafe, having various hazards such as exposure to chemicals, exposure to sharp machine parts, explosive dust, and powerful machines that can severely damage the human body. On top of that the employees are not properly trained so they’re more likely to get harmed by these factors. This would create a ripple effect, not properly trained employees lead to them getting hurt or worse, less employees work and others outside the industry get more discouraged to work there, which leads to an increase in work load but a decrease in the people who can handle that said work load, also leading into stronger greenhousing effects that will in turn expedite the growing issue of global warming further.

What is the source of this problem and how can it be stopped?What can people outside of the industry do to help? What can be done to make a safer work environment that doesn’t compromise the effectiveness of the work flow?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Ishmael, It sounds as if you are going to write an Op-Ed exposing how the recycling industry works and then maybe making an argument for some kind of restructuring. But the number one goal seems to be to show that the industry is not working properly. This seems good. If the topic becomes too large, you might want to focus on the recycling industry in a particular area, such as NYC.

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