Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

I have been researching about Recycling in NYC. There is a long list of post consumers product that can be recycled but they are not. Only 15% of residential trash is recycled mainly because recycling in enforced to homeowners who make a small percentage on the residents, and renters do not have access to recycling, this includes NYCHA residents. For this assignment, I will be on the recycling advocates side who believe the city government is not doing enough to implement recycling processes city-wide. These are some of the inquiries I have:

What are the benefits if the state legislature approves the “Polluters Pay” law?

What can we do as individuals to improve the collection of recyclables?

What are the measures the city government is implementing to make recycling available city-wide?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Francisco, This is a great start. I think you may want to focus in on one legislature, like the Polluters Pay law or some other measure being implemented and argue for or against that. Though I’m not positive yet if you need to narrow down your topic. I do like the idea of bringing awareness of why NYC government is not doing enough and showing all the ways in which they fail and suggest things they need to do to improve recycling.

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