Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

Topic: Has society made the needed reparations for slavery?

My side: No society has not made the needed reparations for slavery

Some websites i found so far about my topic:

I learned that not even society but the government fails to give reparations to black families or just black communities. When there are reasons why the black communities “don’t need anymore reparations”. The reasons I found on why reparations are still needed outweighs the opposing point. 

I chose this side of the topic because as a black woman, I want to know/learn even more about how the community I’m in is getting treated and the amount of reparations we deserve.

Question 1:

What are the reparations society has given to black communities already?

Question 2:

As the time is now, what are the things that happen to the black community that they need reparations for?

Questions 3:

Who in society has been giving reparations to the black community?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Chelsea, I think this is good. I can imagine an Op-Ed that both informs the reader about what reparations is and how it works as well as makes an argument for reparations.

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