Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Brainstorming Discourse Communities and Research

The Discourse community I decide to speak about is people entering a new country. They have to face many problems that many of us didn’t have to worry about. A few examples are getting used to the city they are in, getting used to the language, having a low paying job, etc.. I personally have gone through this but my family have been through it since they are born in Guyana and it was hard for them to get a good paying job due to the lack of their language.

Language was not the only problem they encountered. They encountered problems with housing, transportation, weather for example. For the weather they would just have to adjust to it and wear the proper clothing. Transportation I feel would be the hardiest because getting a drivers license would take time so they would have to take the bus and train. So they would have to learn the route of the bus and train and try not to get lost.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is a good start. But I think you need to narrow down further. For example, you need a particular immigrant group and perhaps you even want to narrow down to a particular place such as Guyanese immigrants who immigrate to New York City. Then maybe you want to pick a particular issue or couple of interrelated (not all issues) these immigrants face. Finally, begin to think about who your audience will be for your letter or speech because this will help you pick the issue or set of issues you want to focus on.

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