Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Brainstorming Discourse Communities and Research

One of the discourse community that I belong to is “Hospital Healthcare Workers at St. John’s Hospital.” My discourse community is actively working to bring awareness to the many issues/problems we currently face. The issue/problem that I will be focusing on is St. John’s Hospital being constantly understaffed the majority of time. Hospital healthcare professionals along with myself are actively trying to bring awareness to this issue by making this problem known to the community that we serve and managers of the various departments in the hospital.

There are numerous issues that can result from being understaffed for example, it forces the current available staff to do the job of 2-3 other people. There have been instances where coworkers and myself had to work numerous hours without taking a proper break due to being understaffed. Being short staffed also leads to burnout which will eventually result in employees not performing at their full potential in the workplace. Employees being burnt out can result in a great deal of problems such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and poor job performance just to name a few all of which I have experienced.

When a person is sick and comes to the hospital for care that person is trusting us with their lives. So, they expect us to be in the best shape possible and fully staffed to provide adequate care to them and their loved ones. As you can see being understaffed is a major issue that needs to be promptly addressed to ensure the safety of the patients in our care.


  1. Carl

    In the gaming discourse community two problems are the demand for consoles and parts for consoles due to Covid less consoles and parts are being made which makes people who have the consoles or parts sell them for a way higher price then normal. An example of this are PS5 and Graphics cards for PC. Companies like Nvidia who make graphics cards are aware about the shortage and have made it known and answered questions about it. The people who need to know this are the big time gamers who will eventually move on from consoles to PC and to keep your PC up to date and running smoothly you will need to buy new parts. As far as interviews I have over 5 friends including myself who have switched to pc and spent over thousands on upgrading it and making the performance better and cooling fans to stop the pc from being hot while running apps but we all agree that its worth because if you have a really good pc you wont need to continuously buy new consoles over and over and instead you can have a pc which can be used for more than just gaming which makes it more useful than a console.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Carl- this does not belong here. Instead of replying to Tameka, you need to write your own post with this information.

  2. Ruth Garcia

    Tameka–this is excellent. I have nothing to add. As you write, you can always check in with me and we can review your progress.

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