My Reflection

  1. Decoupage
  2. Achromatous
  3. Combative Anticipation
  4. Commensurate
  5. Stoicism
  6. Meritocratic
  7. Amalgam
  8. Egalitarian
  9. Truculently
  10. Galvanized
  11. Disdainful
  12. Introspection

The main objective of the glossary assignments was to come across words that I was unfamiliar with while reading articles and stories in class or at home. After finding these new words, I would label them as a noun, verb, or adjective. Next I would put the definition and explain what I first thought the word meant. Finally, I would describe how the word is being used and explain how it connects within the bases of the story. I think this assignment was very helpful because it made my understanding of the reading flow more progressively and clearly. For example, it allowed me to break down the sentences and understand what the author was actually trying to convey to me as the reader. Also, with learning new words it built and enhanced my vocabulary as a whole because I found more complex words to use instead of basic ones. For instance, the simpler words are more specific and straight forward while the complex words can be used to describe different things or have a deeper meaning. In addition, these complex words helped me with my pronunciation and also finding out where they originated from. It affected my coordination and communication with my classmates because we would help each other figure out what the word means. Meaning, if one person knew what the word meant, they could explain what it is and how it’s used in the text.


Introspection (noun)

According to MerriamWebster, introspection means “a reflective looking inward an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.” This word can be found in the story “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston. For example, “A period of introspection, a space of retrospection, then a mixture of both.” When I first came across this word, I used context clues from the sentences before and realized that introspection had to be a sense of how she felt during that time period. Also with her sitting in silence, she thought about the snake and her husband Sykes. This is where she also brings up the word retrospection meaning she looked back on past experiences with Sykes and finally coming to the conclusion of doing all that she could.

Disdainful (adjective)

According to the web, disdainful means showing contempt or lack of respect. This word could be found in the story ” The Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell. For example, “Mrs. Hale began to arrange the dirty pans under the sink, which the county attorneys disdainful push of the foot had deranged.” When I first came across this word I thought it meant heavy or a strong push because it messed up the pans under the sink. when I looked up disdainful I realized that my definition of it was also connected to the real definition because it showed a lack of respect of how the attorneys treated them. They did not care how they treated them as long as they found the clues.

Galvanized (verb)

According to Merriam Webster, galvanized means to coat (iron or steel) with zinc . This word could be found in the story “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston. For example, ” She went out into the yard and returned with a galavanized tub and set it on the washbench.” When i first came across this word, i knew it was describing how the bucket looked in shape color or size. When I then looked up the word and knew it was a steel or iron tub , I remembered thats what the women used to wash clothes with in the past. Also with her being an African American women being inferior to the white race, she had to wash their clothes for them by hand.


According to the web, truculently means having the eagerness or quickness to fight or argue and being agressively defiant. This word could be found in the story “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston. For example, ” She saw that Sykes had kicked all of the clothes again, and now stood in her way truculently, his whole manner hoping, praying, for an argument.” When i first came across this word, I knew it had to describe how Sykes was feeling towards Delia as if he was going to do something to her. Also, with him being quick to react or aggressive because he was the more superior one in thier relationship.

Egalitarian- Adjective

According to Urban Dictionary, egalitarian is an adjective and someone who believes that all humans should have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of race, sex, sexuality or class background. This word can be found in the article, “How to Raise a Feminist Son” by Jessica Valenti. For example, ” Men who were raised by employed moms are significantly more egalitarian in their gender attitudes, said Kathleen McGinn, a professor at Harvard Business School.” When I first came across this word, I knew it had to describe how the men had felt after being raised by a mother. Also, having an opned mind to the fact that women could just be as dominant and hardworking as a father in a childs life. Last but not least, it shows men how to share and encourage friendships with females and be productive together.


According to Merriam Websters Dictionary, the word alagam means a mixture of different elements. The word is used in the article “Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest” to explain the combination of experiences in sexual engagement. For example,”One student interviewed her male and female friends about their hookups and acted out an amalgam of their experiences through the eyes of a male and a female character;” this means that as they explain their experiences, it shows how different they are from one another.


According to, the word Meritocratic means “an elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class privilege or wealth.” Meritocratic is used to describe the nature of womens ability to complete a task and be just as educated as a man could be. For example, according to “The Boys at the Back”, “Universities that had been dominated by affluent white men embraced meritocratic values and diversity of gender, race and class. This meant that men started to realize that women were well educated and allow them to progress in the work field.


In the article “If Black Men Want to Heal Rascism’s Wounds, We Cant Pretend to be Strong All the Time” written by Mychal Denzel Smith, the word stoicism is used to describe what is learned from masculinity. For example, “… men inherit a sense of masculinity that teaches stoicism as a virtue.” Stoicism means that pain and hardwork is felt by men and they could not show any emotion or feelings towards whatever they are doing. It is taught as a virtue becuase this is what society expects from men.


In the article, “The Boys Are Not All Right” by Michael Ian Black, the word commensurate is used to describe the movement between men and women. For example, ” No commensurate movement has emerged to help them navigate toward a full expression of their gender.” The author uses this word to explain that there is no equal balance and attention between both gender movements. This is because men feel forgotten and trapped inside of their own emotions that they cant express how they feel in the real world.