Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD57 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment (approx. 100 words) to this post introducing yourself to the class.

  • Write a paragraph discussing your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns if you wish).
  • Write a paragraph about yourself as a reader and writer. What kinds of readings and writings are you drawn to? What type do you avoid and dislike? Why do you think you lean towards certain types of texts and away from others?

Before next class, please add your introduction.

Get to know your classmates by reading the comments! Ā Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to one of your classmatesā€™ comments.



  1. Clayton McGhee

    I chose construction technology because I want to work in the construction field and also while doing real estate. I don’t really read but if I do I enjoy being the bible a lot of information in there about god. I enjoy listening to 90s music and Caribbean/African music because I feel it’s better then our modern day music. I don’t really watch T.V more of a Netflix/Disney plus and I watch Marvel/DC. In my Spare time I when I don’t do anything I pray.

    Me as a reader it depends on if I understand what’s going on in the story. Me as a writer I feel like I’m horrible at it and there’s plenty of room for improvement. Writing is something I rather not do because I don’t like it. I’m not really drawn to anything specific reading or writing because I don’t do that. I would read something that’s in my interest and I like different things from other people so what I like could be different from someone else we have different interest.

  2. Ishrat Jahan

    My name is Ishrat Jahan. My major is Architecture. I chose this major because this is one of the majors I am passionate about. There is so much creativity, you have to think in other ways and everyday work can be different. I enjoy reading comics, I enjoy watching stranger things the most, in my spare time I would sometimes organize my things or go to gym.

    If i read i would go for fantasy and fiction. I avoid mystery and thriller. Because I think fantasy and fiction are better than mystery or thriller. As a reader, I understand the story. But in writing, I feel like I can’t write properly.

  3. Arrianna Bun

    I chose Health Science because I want to work in the medical field as a nurse well a specific one as a mental health nurse. Being able to help patients who has dealt with mental health or at the moment going through one is something I see myself doing in the future since I have been through that phase in my life and relating with the patient so they feel comfortable speaking up on the situation instead of holding back. I don’t really read often but if I do I’m more into the fiction industry for example “The Hate U Give” was one of my favorite book to read because it’s about having equality even if your a different skin color and it shouldn’t matter how others see you or judge you because you are you. When it comes to music I like to listen to pop music and Spanish music and some 90s music as well because I like to sing a lot and dance around to get things off my mind. In my spare time I work at a ice cream shop own by a famous TikToker and I can honestly say working has been something I enjoy because I get to be away from home and make new friends but I also hang out with family and friends on my spare time as well when I’m not working.

    As a writer I’m drawn into a written story of something that relates to my current life problems because being able to write things about my life and what goes on around me is a habit for me. I try avoiding to read because I’m not much of a reader but it does help me understand the writing more and more when you get into it. I feel like what I lean towards is different from others around me because the people I’m close with aren’t really a writer like me so when it comes to them needing help on what to say or what to write I take up the courage and help them because writing is my thing and whatever comes to mind I put it down on paper and give it to them.

    • Elizabeth Inyanobor

      My name is Elizabeth Inyanobor and I am going to tell you why I choose the major heath science. There are so many reason why I choose health science as the major that I want to study. One of the reasons I choose heath science is because I want to be a nurse for children and take care of them if they were not feeling well. I would also want to study this major because I care about children a lot and I would always want them to stay healthy everyday. I know I would have to do things in order to accomplish the major that I would want to study. One of the things I know I would always have to do is come to school on time everyday and never be late. I would always have to do my work everyday and submit it on time and take my education seriously everyday. The most important thing I have to do is study every day in order for me to accomplish the major that I would want to study on.

      My advice to anyone that would want to do this major is to always stay focus, do the right things that is going to help you accomplish the stuff that you want to complete and never give up. I also think if you were a little bit frustrated you can always find the right things to do make you feel better and always get back on track.

  4. Sukiya

    my academic interests are mathematics and computer technology. I chose biomedical informatics because i love to help others and i will be able to help the world. I enjoy reading documentaries, I recently read a documentary called “Unorthodox” By , Deborah Feldman. I enjoy listening to many different music genres , but my favorite is R&B and oldies but goodies. I also enjoy watching Rom Coms and Disney Princess movies. In my spare time i like to go out to different places, try different foods, Take long walks by the water, and Watch disney movies that i haven’t seen in years. Also, My pronouns are She/Her.

    I see myself as a reader instead of a writer because i have a lot o f trouble focusing . The readings that I’m drawn to are documentaries, junior novels, and anything that i can relate too. I believe for writings I’m drawn to are narrative writings and personal writings. I think i dont lean towards to any certain types of texts.

  5. LiloGS

    My Major is Radiology & Medical imaging . I choose this major because I found it interesting that certain technicians have different fields they can go into such as OB/GYN , Cardiovascular etc. I mainly connected with this major because I use to watch documentaries on the stages women go through during pregnancies and how ultrasounds help mothers and fetuses detect certain problems within the growth of a fetus. In addition , I always found the whole idea of pregnancy interesting especially the images captured by an ultrasound technician and those images being able to be read. I do enjoy reading especially romantic novels such as the Twilight series as an example. But I do prefer watching tv shows that revolve around mystery ,crime, medical circumstances . Such as “Criminal Minds , Chicago Meds , The Good Doctor ,911.” Some other shows I watch that are comedy is “Friends , The office , Young Sheldon .I love watching documentaries as well mostly within the crime genre . Another thing you should know about me is that i’m into crocheting stuffed animals /scarfs and got a social media platform for it .

    As a writer I tend to put more of my opinion into certain aspects depending on my writings topic more than facts . I like to be part of my writings in an influential way so the audience sees my point of view .Im drawn to romantic ,criminal and mystery readings/writings especially poetry. I dislike Shakespeare readings/writings. I lean to certain type of texts because I love the idea of when writers make the audience guess or think more then should ,makes them question of how the outcome of a book, movie,article will end. I don’t lean into texts that too informational because I like when a writer express their opinions while giving readers information which makes it interesting because not only are they giving you facts .But they are giving certain point of views you might have not thought about while reading certain information.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I love the you crochet stuffed animals! I’m trying to learn to crochet and knit!

  6. Abigaiel Louis

    Hi my name is Abigaiel Louis. I am 18 years old and I was born on October 3rd. my pronouns are she/her and my ethnicity is Haitian American. The major I joined is biomedical informatics. I joined this major because I want to become an obstetrician. as some might not know but an obstetrician is someone who delivers the baby in other words it can also be described as an obgyn. me personally im not a big fan of reading but if I do happen to read I like to read something in the field of drama or something that talks about what I can relate to in my everyday real world life. im more of a watch the movie or show type of girl. so that being said I like to watch either romantics, comedy or action films. I dont really have any favorite movie or show because there’s to many good things I’ve watched. as for my spare time I like to dance. I’ve been dancing since a little girl till my senior year of high school. I dont really dance any more but when I do it be mainly in church, and yes im a church girl on weekends. something I think everyone should know about me is that I can seem like a shy girl at first and seem like I dont want to talk to you but believe me I do Im just to shy to do it at first but once you get to know me I can be one of the most funniest people you’ve met so dont be afraid to say hi Im not mean lol.

  7. Gabriel Antigua

    The major I chose is Mechanical Engineer Technology Bachelor because Iā€˜ve always been interested in the engineering world. But I could never pick on that I specifically wanted to do, so I went with the choice of Mechanical cause itā€™s one of the oldest and is a jack of all trades. So, I get to peek into each different type of engineering to see if this is the track I want to stay on or switch to a different track. I use to be much of an avid reader back in my younger days since then I have kind of lost my passion for reading. Though I do hope taking this class might help reignite my passion for reading.

  8. ryan83

    My major is dental hygiene, I chose this major because it looks interesting and having my dentistry background I could use the skills implied. Also, both of my teachers during highschool who are hygienists would go on and tell me and my peers about their experience and the benefits of becoming a hygienist, later on they would take us to city tech to assist the student hygienists. My academic interests are history and health because both have a way of instilling something new in one’s brain meaning that you would learn something new each time you tune in. You will also learn the skill sets you’ll need in almost any major or job. During my spare time I enjoy horror books, listening to 80s,90s and modern day hip hop and pop/r&b, watching reservation dogs and the power series and playing the game.

    As a reader and writer I am pretty strong and have an understanding of things.Before I wouldn’t really go out of my way to do most things but I changed my ways because I understood the importance of interacting and participating. Am drawn to adventure, horror or historical types of readings. For writing mainly argutive essays or expository essays. I think I lean more towards these readings and essays because throughout school theses were the most common and used for assignments so I just got used to them. For reading I try to stay away from uninteresting readings and for essays narrative.

  9. Jessica Jaipersaud

    My name is Jessica and I am majoring in Radiologic Technology. The reason as to why I chose this as a career path is because I want to help people and being in the medical field will allow me to. Growing up I was always fascinated with reading fantasy novels. However I donā€™t really read as much as I think I should. I enjoy watching anime and AHS. In my free time especially when the weather gets warm, I love going to car meets.
    I personally feel that I should be doing more reading and writing. I love reading literature that I relate to, and novels that captivate my interest from the first sentence! I stay away from informative texts about topics that I am not of interest in. I think I lean towards certain texts because of the diction and plot used in oppose to informative texts that do not use the type of dialogue/ format of writing that captivates my attention.

  10. Tori

    My name is Tori Henry. I chose the nursing program because growing up in the Caribbean taught me helping people and giving back to the community, I thought of a way to help others and make others happy but make myself happy also. Nursing was really the option for me to achieve that goal. I want to be that advocate for patients. I do not really read that much but I do enjoy reading fiction books. I enjoy listening to Caribbean/Afro beats and R&B music and watching action movies. I love going to the Crunch gym in my spear time.

    I see myself as a reader not a writer because it would be difficult to stay focused and I am not incredibly good at writing essays. The readings that I am drawn to are criminal, romantic, mystery and adventures readings. The writings that I am drawn to are descriptive, Narrative and definition essays. I lean into certain texts because I like it when the writer makes the story a bit interesting and wants you to guess what is going to happen next in the story. I do not like lean texts that are not interesting and mysterious in a story.

  11. Tori Henry

    My name is Tori Henry. I enjoy reading fiction books and listening to Caribbean/Afro beats,R&B music and watching action movies. I also love going to the Crunch gym. I chose the nursing program because growing up in the Caribbean taught me helping people and giving back to the community is the most righteous and community Services, I thought of a way to help others and make others happy but make myself happy also. Nursing is the best option for me to achieve that goal, it enables me to be that advocate for patients and less fortunate.

    I see myself as a reader not a writer because it would be difficult to stay focused and I am not incredibly good at writing essays. The readings that I am drawn to are criminal, romantic, mystery, adventure and suspense novels. The writings that I am drawn to are descriptive, narrative and definition essays. I lean more into suspense novels, because I like it when the writer makes the story a bit interesting and wants you to guess what is going to happen next in the story. A thriller novels is not as interesting and mysterious as suspense novels.

  12. Elizabeth Inyanobor

    My name is Elizabeth Inyanobor. I am 18 years old. The major I want to study is heath science. I would like to study health science because I wanna learn so many things about medicine and how to help other people if they were not feeling well. I know if I wanted to do this major I would have to do a lot of things to make sure that I am on track. One of the things I have to do every day is going to school and showing up to class on time and also doing my homework and submitting it on time. The most important thing that I would have to do is only study and be serious about my education every day. I would want to work in a big hospital because I love taking care of others and I am a person who has a big heart.

    As a reader and writer I know I used to struggle with reading so many things and writing about that because of it was hard to see things. When that was very hard for me I was used to having somebody help me a lot with things like that. But as I got older I started to learn how to be independent and do a lot of things on my own I donā€™t really ask for help except for things that I really difficult for me most of the other things I do on my own because I like proving people wrong who will always make fun of my vision problem. In order for me to be independent I know I always have to do things like practice and always take my time which is something I always did and now till this day I am a person who has been very independent I donā€™t ask for much except if it was something really important. I know I can get even better by always doing the right thing and always staying focused every day.

  13. Giovanni

    My name is Giovanni DiMaggio, I am 18 years old just graduated from Fort Hamilton High School in Bay Ridge. The major I chose is Construction Management, I’ve always had a passion for construction, I like to work hands on and see things through as they get built. Many people I know have done or still do construction as well. I am a very respectful and hard working person I like to see people succeed along side of me. What I do outside of school is box, hangout with friends and work, I love listening to music such as rap and hip-pop. I also like eating good food, going to different restaurants and mostly being positive and having a good time.

    Me as a reader and writer I am drawn to true crime stories and writings, I like to read about what’s going on in the real world and also sports. I read and write best when I have a strong interest in that topic. The readings and writings I avoid are poems, non fictional stories and stuff I’m just not interested in. Everyone is different, different people read different topics what makes a person lean towards certain types are what they are drawn too. I think it comes down to your own preference.

  14. Shahriyar Kabir

    My name is Shahriyar Kabir, my academic interest is in the field of Computer Science. I chose this major because of some of the skills I have which are essential to this field, and I like the problem-solving aspect behind it, although I don’t see myself working within the field long-term as I plan to pursue other ventures in the future.

    I enjoy reading the Quran as well as stories of various genres. I also like listening to the Quran and various podcasts. The types of readings I prefer to avoid are ones where the speech does not match the character or if something is added to the story with the attention to appease the viewers or to have diversity without any relevance to the plot as a whole. For example, it baffles me when I come across a fiction story where a young character talks as though he/she took an English Master’s degree. Furthermore, it is frustrating when you come across a character of a minority group who is added to the story but holds no value to the readers or to the story while you see the development of other characters who hold value to the story and the readers. As a writer, I would want to write with the intention of writing something I can be proud of writing without thinking about appeasing the readers. Constructive criticism for my writing also helps.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I love that you want to see diverse voices and experiences represented in literature! This is an important issue.

  15. Aqil Ahmed

    My name is Aqil Ahmed, I am Bengali, Muslim and live in Long Island. My major is Construction engineering and management, and I chose this major because ever since I was little I was fascinated by building and fixing things. My earliest memories were watching my dad or our contractor fix our house, playing with toy tools, and building with legos. As I grew older I would build things out of cardboard, and it eventually led up to me building out a workshop in my garage and renovating our basement doing all the electrical as well as all the finishing work. My interests are very wide. I enjoy everything from electronics to mechanics and all the sciences, but I found I really enjoy construction. Academically science has always been my strong suit, I find it comes very easy to me. Other subjects are usually either a hit or miss for me. I like watching comedies and cartoons from when I was younger as a comfort show, but my show interests are wide too. I listen to all sorts of music from all genres so Iā€™m not too picky. In my free time I try to at least start building something, it just keeps my skills sharp so the next time I have to start a big project Iā€™m not relearning everything, I also just enjoy the process.

    Reading and writing has always been difficult for me. I donā€™t hate reading I just find Im very slow so I canā€™t keep up with my class. Writing is not difficult when I know what Iā€™m going to write so organization is important for me. I find realistic fiction to be my favorite genre, it gives me feelings that I can relate to, but it also being interesting enough to keep me engaged. I like writing about my interests, I remember the last paper that I really enjoyed writing was when I wrote about manual transmission vs automatic ones because at the time I was really into cars. I tend to avoid really long texts that kind of drag on, and informative writing on boring topics. I realized that when I use audio books reading is a lot more enjoyable, and that having conversations with my peers makes it easier to learn.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I like the idea that you find comfort in the visual texts from your childhood. It is true that the things we read, watched, and listened to in childhood can bring comfort later in life!

  16. Said Lembrouk

    My name is Said Lembrouk, I am 18 years old and I am a Freshman at City Tech. The major that I have chosen is civil engineering and the reason for me doing that is because I always liked to build things and use my hands. However, I feel like I will find better luck if I switch my major to architecture. I always had a thing for reading books that had movie adaptations to them, for example the Harry Potter series. In elementary school, I was in a book club and we were reading the Harry Potter series. Every time we finished one of the books, we would watch the film and I always enjoyed it because my imagination whilst reading came to life. I havenā€™t been reading as much as I am supposed to but I’m slowly getting into the habit of picking up a book rather than my phone. As for music, I have a taste like no other, I like everything. Even music in languages I donā€™t even understand. I love pop music. Some of my favorite artists from that genre include: Lana Del Ray, Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, The Weekend, Dean Lewis, Lewis Capaldi, Taylor Swift, etc. As for Rap: Pop Smoke, Lil Durk, Sheff G, A boogie wit da Hoodie, etc. I LOVE movies and tv. I aspire to be an actor one day. I like all movie genres but nothing can top movies with a good plot twist. Like one movie I recently watched was Bullet Train, I watched it twice within the same week! I donā€™t wanna spoil anything but it is really funny. As I said, I am aspiring to be an actor in my free time and I just love watching movies and seeing stories come to life. So I will always be watching a movie/tv show.

    As a reader I am always drawn to a story that constantly evolves and keeps me hooked. One of my favorite directors, Quentin Tarantino said this, that what a story is. That’s what I’ve been expecting for every book I ever read. A really bad book in my eyes would be one where I could predict the ending and then it eventually comes true. But I have yet to see thatā€¦As a writer I try to give the same satisfaction as if I were in the reader’s shoes and I was reading a book by someone. Make them enjoy it, stir all certain types of emotion out of them. Have them skip out on dinner till they reach the end of the chapter.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Do you like to watch the adaptation first and then read? Or, do you prefer to read and then watch?

  17. Said Lembrouk

    My name is Said Lembrouk, I am 18 years old and I am a Freshman at City Tech. The major that I have chosen is civil engineering and the reason for me doing that is because I always liked to build things and use my hands. However, I feel like I will find better luck if I switch my major to architecture. I always had a thing for reading books that had movie adaptations to them, for example the Harry Potter series. In elementary school, I was in a book club and we were reading the Harry Potter series. Every time we finished one of the books, we would watch the film and I always enjoyed it because my imagination whilst reading came to life. I havenā€™t been reading as much as I am supposed to but I’m slowly getting into the habit of picking up a book rather than my phone. As for music, I have a taste like no other, I like everything. Even music in languages I donā€™t even understand. I love pop music. Some of my favorite artists from that genre include: Lana Del Ray, Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, The Weekend, Dean Lewis, Lewis Capaldi, Taylor Swift, etc. As for Rap: Pop Smoke, Lil Durk, Sheff G, A boogie wit da Hoodie, etc. I LOVE movies and tv. I aspire to be an actor one day. I like all movie genres but nothing can top movies with a good plot twist. Like one movie I recently watched was Bullet Train, I watched twice in the same week! I donā€™t wanna spoil anything but it is really so funny. As I said, I am aspiring to be an actor in my free time and I just love watching movies and seeing stories come to life. So I will always be watching a movie/tv show.

    As a reader I am always drawn to a story that constantly evolves and keeps me hooked. One of my favorite directors, Quentin Tarantino said this, that what a story is. That’s what I’ve been expecting for every book I ever read. A really bad book in my eyes would be one where I could predict the ending and then it eventually comes true. But I have yet to see thatā€¦As a writer I try to give the same satisfaction as if I were in the reader’s shoes and I was reading a book by someone. Make them enjoy it, stir all certain types of emotion out of them. Have them skip out on dinner till they reach the end of the chapter.

  18. Giselle Garcia

    Hello my name is Giselle Garcia. The major I chose was mechanical engineering. I did not realize that mechanical engineering was something I wanted to do up until high school. I went to Aviation Career and Technical Educational High School, in which I learned about planes and the math and physics behind it. Even though I enjoyed working with my hands, I wasnā€™t completely sure I wanted to be an aircraft mechanic. I was so close into going to LaGuardia Airport to take some classes there my sophomore year, however the pandemic hit and it changed everything for me. I didnā€™t continue the FAA program since I had thought I was moving to upstate my junior year of high school. The idea of becoming a mechanical engineer sounded so fascinating to me as a senior. I have a habit of switching up hobbies once I get bored, there are literally so many half finished projects in my closet. In my spare time I love to watch romantic or horror movies.

    Likewise, I love a good romance novel, mystery, horror and fantasy. I donā€™t read as much as I did before just because I havenā€™t found a book that really keeps me hooked. But I have recently been looking forward to reading a few books that were recommended to me. I believe that I have a preference for these types of genres due to the amount of sopa operas I watched growing up in a Latin household.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I grew up watch lots of telenovelas with my grandmother too!

  19. Marvin

    Hello Dr. Garcia and all, my name is Marvin wint. I am an 18 years old male and Iā€™m from Jamaica, Montego bay. For those who donā€™t know itā€™s a small island in the Caribbean where there’s nothing but sun, for example frying a fresh batch of bacon or eggs. I came to America when I was two years old. At first it was weird but then I started to fit in well but still different at the same time. I am majoring in Mechanical engineering because since I was little I was inspired by how machines work and I used to watch a show called ā€œHow itā€™s madeā€. In that show it shows how objects and products are actually made, but to me it was seeing how the machines work together to make the product itself. I love playing with legos, legos are the most amazing things in the world, it lets me bring out the inner kid in me and also lets me express the creativity i have within me and bring it to life. I enjoy listening to dancehall, dubstep, drum and bass, jazz and many more. I really enjoy reading manga, and comic books or anything with pictures because its kinda for me to picture images in my head when thereā€™s nothing but words.On my spare time I like to go skate at a skatepark and learn new tricks and I’m also trying to start my own clothing business called Gauzy T ( GAHH ZEE ). I love watching anime but if I had to choose one it would have to black bulls or bleach. I can watch those all day and not get tired of it.

    As a reader I like to see pictures but at the same time I would like a lot of dialogue that draws me in or has a plot twist. What I stay away from is books that have nothing but words on the pages because I can read a whole page and not understand what I read. I also read the same line over and over again and get tired of the book. As a writer you can see I have a bad habit of making run-on sentences that make you lose interest fast. I also write things and then stop but after a long time I get back to it. For example I can start something in the morning and itā€™s not getting done at night.

  20. Sharon

    My name is Sharon lupercio my major is chemistry. Growing up i was always fascinated with working with raw materials in a lab and then once i started getting more into cosmetics I figured to still fit chemistry into it and thatā€™s when i realized i wanted to be a cosmetic chemist. I love watching horror movies. I know that its not everyoneā€™s favorite type of genre but rather seeing the horror in it i mostly see the comedy. Horror movies help me escape from life a bit, when Iā€™m watching a horror movie Iā€™m fully invested so it sorta comforts me in a way I donā€™t know why but itā€™s something Iā€™ve notice growing up. Other than horror movies Iā€™m into comedy.

    Im not much of a reader nor a writer but if i had to pick one out of the two that Iā€™m more comfortable with it would be reading. Ive notice the only types of books that sorta hold my attention are fiction/ fantasy. I hope this year i get more into it.

  21. Tori

    My name is Tori Henry. I enjoy reading fiction and books and I enjoy listening to Caribbean/Afro beats and R&B music and watching action movies. I also love going to the Crunch gym. I chose the nursing program because growing up in the Caribbean taught me helping people and giving back to the community is the most righteous and community Services, I thought of a way to help others and make others happy but make myself happy also. Nursing is the best option for me to achieve that goal, it enables me to be that advocate for patients and less fortunate.

    I see myself as a reader not a writer because it would be difficult to stay focused and I am not incredibly good at writing essays. The readings that I am drawn to are criminal, romantic, mystery, adventure and suspense novels. The writings that I am drawn to are descriptive, narrative and definition essays. I lean more into suspense novels, because I like it when the writer makes the story a bit interesting and wants you to guess what is going to happen next in the story. A thriller novel is not as interesting and mysterious as suspense novels.

  22. Mohammad Mehmood

    My name is Awais Mehmood. I enjoy math and science along with coding. By understanding my likes and dislikes I decided that the best major for me is going to be computer science! I enjoy reading motivational books and self help books that I can relate to my own personal life therefore benefitting me either immediately or in the long term. I enjoy listening to religious scriptures like the Quran. I enjoy watching anime. In terms of my spare time I enjoy to spend that time either working out or training a martial art like Muay Thai! I also love exploring new and old food options around my neighborhood and just NYC in general because I absolutely love food!

    I enjoy reading about things that I feel will directly impact my life either in the short term or the long term. In terms of pure enjoyment and leisure I’m not sure what genre of reading I like the most but I do know that I am very intrigued by mythology and stories of warriors telling their most heroic tales!! I do tend to avoid books that involve too much romance and Intimacy as that’s not what I enjoy reading about. The reason why I enjoy reading about mythology and heroic tales is because it induces a certain emotion in me that I can best describe as motivation because it makes me feel amazed at how these amazing heroes have accomplished such amazing feats and stories about intimacy and romance id say are a bit more on the mundane side and just don’t fire up the parts of my brain that I wish to fire up.

  23. Sedika

    My name is Sedika Popal and my major is computer information system. On my spare time I enjoy watching Netflix, Hulu and Disney +. I also play video games in my spare time. I also have a small part time job to make extra income for me most of time. Music is another thing I listen to during my spare time but I tend to listen to new music and to be more open to it. I chose to do computer information system because I like to code and problem solving. I would love to work at a company such as google or any big tech company.
    I am not much of reader or writer, I never really put my interest into it. I do tend to read more the comics books or manga because I am really into those more than a novel. This year I want to try and start reading more novels. I am a person that gets bored of reading long pages of a book or don’t have enough time to read them.

  24. Alex Melo

    My name is Alex Melo and I am majoring in Computer Engineering Technology. I didn’t know what I wanted to do but in high school, I had Computer Science classes so I decided to study something to do with Computers. I also am interested in Aviation as well. I like to watch comedy, mystery, drama and sometimes action movies. I mainly listen to Spanish music sometimes rap. I really don’t do much in my spare time, sometimes I like to go out with my cousins but most of the time I am usually home playing games. As a reader and writer, I feel like I have improved a lot throughout High School. I don’t enjoy writing but prefer to read. I don’t read much but when I do I enjoy fiction. I am drawn to readings about made-up stories, documentaries, and even the news and things happening around the world.

  25. Jasmine Calixto

    My name is Jasmine Calixto (She/her) and I am a freshman at city tech. My major is health science but I am working my way into radiology. I want to be able to pursue this major because it has always fascinated me when I was younger. In my spare time I like to listen to music really loudly or watch movies.

    The kind of readings that I am drawn into is probably romance but mostly mysteries. I donā€™t really have a genre that I dislike but if itā€™s boring I just wouldnā€™t like it sadly I get uninterested quickly. I lean more into stuff like romance or mystery because of the drama building all up till the end.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I’m a mystery fan as well–detective fiction with female detectives in particular.

  26. Matheus

    Hello there. My name is Matheus Duplessy. I am Majoring in Architecture where I’m studying for. The reason why I choose this major it’s because I saw a PBS Documentary on Building a Freedom Tower, and I saw David Childs, the architect of the Freedom Tower, as my inspiration of becoming one.

    The Things that I do for Fun are playing with my Nintendo Switch Lite, My Tablet, and My Phone, Watching YouTube, Twitch, and TV, Doing 1:64 scale car collecting, Mostly from Hot Wheels, and Matchbox, and Doing Anime Drawings. My favorite book to read is “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe, which I first read it back In high school. Even Though I have some limitations regarding myself, I will try my best to succeed in my education, my goals, and my future.

  27. Ruth Garcia

    I’m looking forward to getting to know you all individually and as a class. You have many different interests and majors but also a lot of crossover. I hope this will make for an interesting and dynamic community in our classroom.

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