When writing this research paper the three things that I struggled with the most was finding a topic. Also finding prevalent and official sources, and analyzing the articles. What I had struggled with writing the rhetorical analysis was being able to not confuse it with writing a summary of the article. Gathering sources wise I learn to see what a biased source is and what’s an actual creditable source. By seeing where the article is published, who is writing it, and what year it was published. What I learn from this assignment is to really understand my source I should be able to summarize the source. Not everyone may be an expert or may even know about my topic. So I need to be informed to be able to educate the reader about my topic. What I learn is how to analyze articles clearly and give in my own opinion.
Professor: Dr. Garcia
Email: RGarcia@citytech.cuny.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (Zoom); Wednesday 1:45 – 2:45 p.m (in-person, N503); & by appointment
Office hours Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82681418891?pwd=S0Y5V2k4U1dXVUZNczlMcHpMSUFwdz09
Course Description: This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing
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Ursula C. Schwerin Library
New York City College of Technology, C.U.N.Y
300 Jay Street, Library Building - 4th Floor
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