Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD57 | Fall 2022

Unit 1

When it came to me writing my education narrative it wasn’t so hard that I was stuck on what to write about but more like I didn’t know which story was better. When this assignment was given I had two stories come to mind, it was just a matter of seeing which one I could write about more as well as have an impact on others when they read it. When reading “Shitty First Drafts” I Didn’t think it was gonna help me with my writing but when I was having trouble with what details to put and how to structure the story, that’s when I reread the story and realized it touches base on having ideas come to us while writing non-stop. I’ve noticed in order to write a lot and get it to come out fluently like a conversation between two people I would need to use that technique “ Shitty First Drafts” talks about. Other than that technique, getting feedback from others really does help me go into the right direction with my writing

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Sharon– Where it unit 1? The document has the reflection and not the narrative.

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