Dear Prof Garcia,

Throughout this writing experience when writing my narrative I’ve learned more about myself not only as a student but as a learner, writer, and collaborator. Writing is a process and even the most famous writers don’t get their perfect writing piece in one shot it takes multiple times and even after published there may be things that can be fixed. As writers there is always something that can be added or taken out the reading to make it more effective to the audience. I learned as a student that its ok to no get everything perfect on the first try when you write. As a student I learned to be more opened minded to new ideas to allow myself to push further into my thoughts. As a learner I understood to let my ideas flow this helped me as a writer because it allowed me to feel free and write what came to mind. As a collaborator I got the chance to view another narrative and I was able to give advice so their writing can connect more to the readers. The type of resource I used was brainstorming my ideas before writing. Being able to have multiple ideas but knowing to make the right choice that will have a bigger impact on others. Brainstorming helped me expand my perspective on my writing and even expand more on what I had to say in my narrative.


Nicole Rivera