In this type of research it is a very specific question that i am tackling. Not many articles where about how the impact of architects can have an effect on the current state. The articles mainly had the idea of how economically can we improve this situation. Their answer for the crisis consisted of building tents which realistically isn’t a solution so in many ways I had to really tackle that question and find ways to actually make a solution. The articles where a lot of times vague on the prompt I had so finding them was near to impossible because I am working on a current time period and some good articles where from years ago which didn’t help me at all.  This research really helped my career because architecture is a very standard and simplistic form nowadays with designs being basic and nonrevolutionary. Most of the solutions where solutions temporary but rather than actually helping it just caused the inevitable and the problem rose again. It shows that architects aren’t really pressed on the manner at all. Most of the people that are involved have a generic thinking process. This shown me a lot about research as well as the content within a article not always can be used. In many ways you have to interpret the key messages and re reading isn’t a bad thing either which is an idea that I thought struck true in most cases. Time and patience is key to truly understand and have the best possible work for any research project.