Light grey brick wall with small graffiti and a large stylized 1 | 2 in black and white.
1/2” by Salina via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Week 12 Picking a Genre for Unit 3

For Monday, 11/13

  • Choose the genre you will use for Unit 3. Then, find a mentor text for the genre you will work in. In other words, and example of the genre that you think is well done.
  • Read and annotate your mentor text. 
  • Bring the annotated text to class. Note: I will be checking and marking down that you have this portion of Unit 3 done. 

For Wednesday, 11/15

Bring an annotated copy of your Unit 3 mentor text to class and come prepared to work on drafting Unit 3.

***For this class, we will meet in the computer lab, which is room G604.