Dear Professor Garcia,

This personal narrative challenged me as a student, as a writer. Originally I felt really confident about this piece, I still do feel that way however from a different pov that I didn’t see myself acknowledging at first. This is a personal narrative so naturally my writing uses a lot of I’s however, as I was revising, I realized the objective of this type of writing styles, what exactly do I want my readers to feel and how can I convey that ? I used peer review and brainstormed multiple times so I had gone through so many important moments and memories to me and my experience with spirituality came up so quickly it almost wasn’t even a second though what I was going to say. The peer review specifically tho was very helpful because my partner made it abundantly clear that she knows I have more to say and really that I need to emphasize my truth because it’ll help me better connect with my reader, which was very helpful. At the end of this id like to say that my potential grade is a B, My work is really good I think the only thing id improve is making connections with things that I can later mention or source in my work/ in my works cited. Id really like to thank you for this assignment, it allowed me to think and tap into to an event of significance to me and channel it into a bigger message for the reader.