As a student, I learned a variety of things about myself through my educational experiences and academic journey. Some insights I gained about myself as a student are, Learning Style and Preferences, discovering how I best absorb and retain information whether it’s through visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or other learning styles can help tailor my study methods and improve my academic performance. My strengths and weaknesses, recognizing my strengths in different subjects or skills, as well as identifying areas that need improvement, allowed me to focus my efforts effectively and seek assistance where necessary. Time management and organizational skills was also a big part of my journey. Reflecting on what motivates me to succeed academically and identifying my short-term and long-term goals helps in setting a clear direction for my educational journey. Reflecting on these aspects helped in personal growth and development, making the most out of the student experience and preparing for future endeavors. I used brainstorming to write this narrative. I went deep into my mind and memory lane to express my thoughts. It helped me feel every moment as I was writing, while reliving it and bringing back more memories.  I think that I should get at least a B on this project, I really spoke from the heart and shared some of my thoughts.