Dear, Professor Garcia, I honestly think this is some of my best writing yet. This piece feels very free like I allowed myself to fully immerse in the task. I didn’t feel stuck with my words like how I usually do when writing. It felt more poetic than institutional like the ones I wrote in high school. At some points in writing this narrative story, I felt like I could actually be a writer.
The only resource I used when writing this assignment was Google to figure out other words for plain and repetitive ones. And the way I brainstorm is more one-worded or short sentences. When I knew the idea I was going to use I just started to write and later I figured out what articles to use for a connection. I let my idea expand to see what pieces would blend nicely with my flow. Which I feel like worked really well in the end.
I think for this assignment I deserve a 15%. I do think it flows very nicely but I believe there are certain places that can be more refined. I don’t really know what I need to revise, it could be spelling, word placement, and punctuation. Other than grammar I think I need just another mind or two to look over my narrative.