I, Tituba chapter 10-1 of part II

I, Tituba is astonished by how much the community of Salem is obsess with the thought of satan. Everything someone did bring suspicion they were paranoid by everything and everyone.Tthey were so distrustful. Tituba got so caught up in what was going on around her that she found herself, ” Reciting incantations and performing ritual.” Tituba knew that she was a good person. However, the people in Salem especially the children thought she was evil although she encourage them to do good.

Tibuta love Betsey and took care of her as if she was her own child. So, it was very surprising when Betsey became sick the way Elizabeth looked at Tibuta with accusing eyes, how ungrateful Elizabeth was.  She had forgot that it was Tituba who took care of her when she was sick. Was Tituba responsible for the predicament she found herself in? Whey did she exposed herself to these children? Was it because she was home sick she told them the folk tale of her island?.

I was upset with the plot those deceitful children played on Tituba. Yet, the moment that really disturbed me was Samuel Parris and his accomplishers. It stired my spirit when they push that sharp instrument into Tituba’s private area. Parris prays to God however, he is a evil man and a bully who want Tituba to confess to something she is not. When he did not get his own way he make sure that she was put in jail

I, Tituba, Black Witch Of Salem Ch. 10-1of Pt. 2

What stuck out to me while reading these chapters was in Ch.11 on pg. 77 when Tituba is being accused of witch craft and asked Betsey “Betsey, who has turned you against me?” and Betsey bite Tituba until she bled. I felt bad for Tituba because she really cared and treated/confided in Betsey. Also, throughout the book Tituba has shown to be protective of Betsey and Goodwife Parris’. Tituba is shocked that Betsey would question her intentions. Tituba eventually cried. I felt like someone said something to Betsey for her to do all of this. “You, do good? You’re a Negress, Tituba! You can only do evil. You are evil itself.” Tituba and Betsey were close and for Betsey to talk to her like that was unexpected and for her to have everyone to turn against her so suddenly.

Krystal Corry – I, Tituba (Chapter 10-1 part 1)

Tituba’s giving personality is still shown as I continue to read the book. Tituba is the most courageous character in this novel. Something that I admire about Tituba is the way that she always stands up for herself to those who sees her her for what she is not. She stands up to those who thinks she is the opposite of her real views, morals and goals. For example on page 61, Mary Walcott say’s to Tituba, “Tituba, is it true you know everything, you see everything, and can do everything? You’re a witch then?” Tituba immediately replies with her fuel of rage, “Don’t use words whose meaning you don’t know. Do you know what a witch really is?” Tituba doesn’t think twice on representing herself. Tituba considers herself a healing person, or a “good witch”. Tituba associates being a witch with being positive, being able to heal, and protection. However, the society around Tituba associates witches with negativity, evil, and having bonds with the devil. Furthermore, Tituba is shown to be very courageous throughout the text especially compared to other characters in the novel. Such an example would be Good Wife Parris who is often being pushed around, and physically abused by her husband Samuel Parris.

I, Tituba – Chapter 10 – 1 of Part 2

On page 68, Sarah told Tituba that “Don’t become like them, knowing only how to do evil,” and “You are among monsters who are set on destroying us.” Sarah is trying to warn Tituba of what Salem and it’s people are really like. The people firstly, are definitely monsters as they discriminate against black people, the poor and the weak. They isolate them and refer to them as the Devils, evils, Satan and witches. This is because they do not feel like they are equal to them due to their differences and they use this as a scapegoat to make them feel less as a person. However, in reality they are the true evils. So, Sarah is right, they are the monsters and they do want to get Tituba. They want to figure out who she truly is to justify their accusations. Their accusations will only be proven wrong number because Tituba uses her powers for the good majority of the times. She’s a healer, not a witch.

Indraine Ramdut


This reading continues with them in the village of Salem. The village’s atmosphere was often described as gloomy and dark. And being there had already started to take effect on Tituba, not just physically, but her entire disposition – so I can only imagine how those who lived there before were affected.

The scene in the forest when Tituba encountered Sarah who begged her for “help” perfectly portrays this.Without a thought at first, Tituba obviously refused, but as she thought it over she realised she too was thinking the same way – wanting the same thing as Sarah did.

“Knowledge must adapt itself to society…who are set on destroying us.” Sarah’s words, although harsh, provided a  sort of justification for the thoughts and feelings Tituba was having. That she too was adjusting to the darkness and hatred that existed in Salem in order to not just to survive but to function.

I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem : Part 2

In part 2 of the text, the part that stood out to me the most was when Titbua was being treated unfairly because of Abigail and little girls told Eward that she was the one tormenting them.  It was shocking to see Betsey agreeing with the little girls too. Titbua then asked Betesy who put false things in her hair and turned her against her.

Another part that stood out was when Titbua was beating her until she bled because of the false information that was told to Eward. She describe how the men was hammering her face with there fists and they even molested her with a stick. This part just was so disturbing to me.

I Tituba chapters 10 -1

in this portion of the text, we see tituba face even more tribulations than before; her suspicion about Abigail an the other little girls finally came through, as they, managed to corrupt Betsy’s mind and turn her against tituba. Tho it was very unfortunate to see everyone turn on tituba the way they did, including Elizabeth and betsy, whom she went to great to great lengths to ensure their safety at all times, I believe it was needed as this helped her to see that no matter how closely attached she got to a white person, child or adult, at the end of the day they all viewed her in the same eyes , as nothing but a lesser being to themselves. Tituba herself realizes this toward the end of chapter 10 ; “how naive i had been to not know that to do good to the evil and weak is the same as doing evil “, and i believe this gave her a new perspective on how things were.

I, Tituba chapter 10- part 2 Janelle Alleyne

The part that stood out most to me was the scene where Tituba went to Betsy and asked her who turned her against her and she bit her until she bled, then Betsy questions the things that she did to protect her. This part stood out to me because throughout the book Tituba has shown herself to be kind and very protective of Betsy and Goodwife Paris and for Betsy to then question her intentions, made me feel very surprised at her. From the moment where she was first introduced in the book and Tituba saw how they were treated she did all the can do to protect them. Its like even after all she did Betsy had the nerve to question her intentions as if they were bad. By Tituba’s show of emotion, i was moved. I saw how upset she was and it made me upset as well like how could you. Another thing that stood out to me was the fact that Samuel Paris constantly reminded Tituba that if she is the one cause the behavior of the children he will have her hanged, but then at the end of part one he tells her she is not worthy of the rope and they then sexually assault her. My first point is that Samuel Paris, who is a minister, to be constantly threatening Tituba that he will have her hanged but then when she is accused he tells her shes not worthy of the rope. Its shows that he sees her as worthless. He doesn’t see her as a person with feelings and emotion but as just this thing that brings nothing but evil and bad fortune. my second point is how could these men who are of high status, and see themselves as self righteous engage in such a heinous act. It shows how reversed this story really is. The people who are expected to do right are more evil than the ones who are accused of being evil.

Tituba, Black Witch of Salem, chapters 10-1 of part 2

In this reading the part that I found interesting was on page 77 when Tituba was asking Betsey “who has turned you against me?”. At this point I really started to feel bad for Tituba, because she (Tituba) treated and cared for Betsey as if she was her own daughter.  To have someone you nurture turn on you and call you an evil witch is distraught full. On a side note I’m starting to notice that Abigail act more like a witch (devil) then kind hearted Tituba.