I chose to research and write about this topic because I use online dating and I wanted to know how likely am I to find my person. Also because there are many people using dating apps and I want to know if it’s effective. Are people selecting others for the right reason? Do they really like their matches or Are they just interested in someone because they like them first? Do people really get to know one another or do they continue conversations out of boredom? How many people have found successful relationships while on dating apps? Does online dating apps give people False and unrealistic hope? Is dating done better in person? What characteristics need to be changed to make dating apps successful? I’ve been using dating apps and I’ve found it very unsuccessful in making long lasting relationships. Many people talk to each other for the wrong reasons and many people portray a person that they’re not. I found that dating apps are useful for temporary relationships or just friendships. Many people on dating apps are not even real