Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD80 | Fall 2022

Research Question

Why is access to birth control/contraception important?

Ive always been interested in women’s health and its impact on society, specifically reproductive and sexual health care. I think it’s important for all women to have access to these services, as I say “women’s health is everyones health”. Growing up I never learned about this topic or it felt like taboo to talk about it. Now that I’m older and a women I see these issues in regard to women’s health and the things we have access to and how most of society doesn’t agree with rights women should have when it comes to our health. I expect to see abortion tied in with why contraception is important. You remove one demand and another demand goes up. They both go hand in hand in this. Theres a lot of protest and debate going on right now on abortion and that it should be illegal even though it’s a human right. If women are denied birth control or don’t have access to it…the human female body will do what its meant to do and get pregnant. Access to birth control is a women taking responsibility for herself and protecting herself. You limit access to one right and deny the next one, then where are our rights? Where’s are say so in our bodies? Not to mention that birth control isn’t just for preventing pregnancy but the side effects it brings can help women with our issues. Most of the time women taking birth control isn’t for the “not getting pregnant part” but for other things birth control can help with painful cramps/PMS, acne, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and lowering the risk of some cancers. Theres many opinions when it comes to women and what they choose to do with their bodies, but we shouldn’t deny access to basic rights and providing care that we should all have access to. Birth control is just one tier of this tower and removing it can lead to other societal issues.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This sounds good. You might find it is kind of big and then you will have to narrow down a bit. Maybe you’ll want to narrow down who needs to have access. For example, are you thinking of young women in particular?

    And if so, which group? Teenagers? High School girls?

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