Reading “shitty first drafts” did affect my writing process and some ways. Reading this article helped me find a writing style and stick to it. Now that I’ve read the article, while writing my drafts I just start by writing everything that comes to my mind and connect it later. Even if my thoughts aren’t grammatically correct and don’t flow properly, I just get them down on paper. Then I type out my work and edit it to make any corrections. I change how I worded sentences while I type because the correct way comes to mind when I already know what I want to say. The process of writing my draft was difficult in my opinion because I couldn’t think of a story to share and when I did it was hard riding enough words to meet the writing assignments requirements. With a minimum of 1000 words for this assignment, repetition was my biggest challenge. How do I reach the word limit without repeating myself or trying to make long sentences? What do I do when I run out of details this year and what extra details could I use to help share my story?