Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD80 | Fall 2022

Research Question

How did the experience of war change soldiers’ views of themselves and the world around them?

I got interested in this topic because I think it’s essential to understand how people can change their views of the world and themselves after experiencing war. I believe this can be seen in many different ways in soldiers. The primary way that I see this is through the experience of war and how it can change a soldier’s view of the world and themselves through their experience of war itself. The experience of war can be seen as a huge change for soldiers, but also for civilians who have experienced war in their own ways. There are many ways to see these changes in a soldier, but I believe understanding them is crucial for everyone. There are several examples that show the way that people can change after experiencing war. One example is the soldier who becomes more violent and aggressive because of his or her experiences in war. Another example is the civilian who begins to see everyone as a potential threat or enemy because of their experience of war. I believe that these are examples that show how people can change after experiencing war and it is essential for everyone to be aware of this. There are many ways that soldiers can change after experiencing war, but one way that seems to be most prominent is through the view of others. Many times when soldiers return from war, they have a difficult time adjusting back into society. This is because they were able to be away from their families and friends for so long, but now they have to deal with all the problems that general. With being back home. Many times when soldiers return from war, they have a difficult time adjusting back into society. This is because they were able to be away from their families and friends for so long, but now they have to deal with all the problems that come along with being back home. Some answers that I expect to get from my research questions are after experiencing war and that it is important for everyone to be aware of the changes that can occur in a soldier and what these changes are. It seems as though people have a tendency to forget about this and it is important for everyone to be aware of how their experience of war can change them.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is a good start but still too big a focus. I think you can pick one war and research how that war affected returning soldiers. Or you can pick one way in which returning soldiers are affected and research how this trauma can be treated or alleviated.

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